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Barcelona Declaration and Euro-Mediterranean partnership
Barcelona Declaration and Euro-Mediterranean partnership
Barcelona Declaration and Euro-Mediterranean partnership
This summary has been archived and will not be updated, because the summarised document is no longer in force or does not reflect the current situation.
Barcelona Declaration and Euro-Mediterranean partnership
This declaration is the founding act of a comprehensive partnership between the European Union (EU) and twelve countries in the Southern Mediterranean. This partnership aims to turn the Mediterranean into a common area of peace, stability and prosperity through the reinforcement of political dialogue, security, and economic, financial, social and cultural cooperation.
Final Declaration of the Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995 and its work programme.
The European Union (EU) establishes a multilateral cooperation with the countries of the Mediterranean basin. This partnership represents a new phase in their relationship. For the first time it addresses economic, social, human, and cultural aspects and questions of common security.
This partnership became a reality with the adoption of the Barcelona Declaration by the EU Member States and the following 12 Mediterranean non-member countries (MNCs): Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The League of Arab States and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) (FR) were invited, as was Mauritania as a member of the UMA.
The partnership is based on a spirit of solidarity, with due regard for the characteristics specific to each of the participants. It supplements the other activities and initiatives undertaken in the interests of the peace, stability and development of the region.
Political and security partnership
The first objective of the partnership is to promote the emergence of a common area of peace and stability in the Mediterranean. This objective is to be achieved through multilateral political dialogue, in addition to the bilateral dialogues provided for by the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements. The partners therefore undertake to:
The partners support the fair, comprehensive and sustainable settlement of conflicts in the Middle East, founded specifically on the resolutions of the UN Security Council.
Economic and financial partnership
The sustainable and balanced socio-economic development of the MNCs should lead to the establishment of an area of shared prosperity in the Mediterranean.
The reforms should enable the creation of Free Trade Areas (FTAs) which involves the gradual elimination of customs barriers (taxation and non-taxation) to trade in manufactured products. The partners also envisage a gradual liberalisation of agricultural products and services.
The establishment of Euro-Mediterranean FTAs is included in the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements and the Free Trade Agreements between the MNCs. These agreements are concluded in accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The partners define priorities for facilitating the establishment of the FTA:
In addition, the economic cooperation undertaken by the partners aims to:
The partners must also set cooperation priorities for transport infrastructures, the development of information technologies and the modernisation of telecommunications.
Lastly, the partners must increase their financial cooperation and the EU must increase its financial assistance, specifically in the form of loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Social, cultural and human partnership
The partners cooperate with the aim of developing human resources, and promoting understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies.
To this end, the Barcelona Declaration and its work programme emphasise:
The Barcelona Declaration provides for periodic meetings of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Mediterranean partners and the EU. These Euro-Mediterranean Conferences are prepared by the Euro-Mediterranean Committee for the Barcelona process, which is also responsible for monitoring the process and the cooperation priorities.
Last updated: 08.09.2011