Welcome to the Publisher's Section of Yubetsu Shibata. This guide is designed to help publishers enhance their journal’s reach and impact through seamless integration with our platform. Below, we provide an overview of our indexing process, detailed instructions for referencing our database on your website, and additional ways to leverage our platform to showcase your journal's prestige.
Our system performs daily automated indexing of journal articles, ensuring that new content from eligible journals is discovered, processed, and made searchable without requiring any manual effort from publishers. Indexation typically completes within 48 hours of article publication. Once indexed, the article becomes searchable by researchers, academics, and institutions globally, increasing visibility and accessibility.
We only index articles that are assigned a valid DOI, so it’s crucial that your journal articles are registered with your DOI provider (e.g., CrossRef) and the metadata is accurate and up-to-date. Our indexing process captures essential metadata such as titles, abstracts, authors, publication dates, and DOI information. This metadata is processed through advanced validation steps to ensure accuracy and consistency across our platform.
We currently do not accept manual article submissions. However, our automated system ensures that all eligible content published by your journal is indexed and made accessible without any need for additional action on your part.
Your journal’s relationship with Yubetsu Shibata is a mark of credibility and enhances its global presence. Referencing our database on your website signals that your content is indexed in a recognized repository, benefiting authors, readers, and institutions alike.
We recommend including a reference to our database on your journal’s Abstracting & Indexation page. A sample reference could be:
"This journal is indexed in Yubetsu Shibata, ensuring its content is discoverable by a global network of researchers."
Publishers can also link directly to their journal’s page or individual articles within our database. This not only offers easy access to your indexed content but also drives traffic to your journal's page, improving its visibility. The link to your journal's page can be formatted as follows:
<a href="https://shibata.yubetsu.com/journal/{your-journal-id}" target="_blank" > View [Journal Name] on Yubetsu Shibata </a>For individual articles, you can use the following format to link directly to a specific indexed article:
<a href="https://shibata.yubetsu.com/article/{article-id}" target="_blank" > View This Article on Yubetsu Shibata </a>Additionally, we provide a badge for your website that indicates your journal is indexed in our database. This badge helps highlight your journal’s indexation in a visually appealing way, adding further credibility to your journal’s content.
Download badge
Our team is here to support publishers and address any questions about our database or the indexation process. If you have any general inquiries, you can reach us at [email protected]. For technical assistance or if you need help with issues related to indexing, you can contact our technical support team at [email protected].
By being indexed in Yubetsu Shibata, your journal gains global visibility, credibility, and discoverability. Articles indexed in our platform are accessible to millions of researchers and institutions worldwide, providing enhanced exposure for your authors and increasing citation potential. Indexation in our database also signals quality and reliability, which can further strengthen your journal’s reputation. Furthermore, the enhanced metadata ensures that your articles appear in relevant searches, improving their readership and citation rates.
By leveraging the tools and opportunities outlined above, publishers can unlock the full potential of their content and drive greater impact in the global scientific community. We look forward to supporting your journal’s growth and success!
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