Financial Statistics
Challenging everyone in the UN family to use data to understand “what happened”, “why it happened”, “what may happen next” – and respond with insight, impact and integrity.United Nations Secretary General's Data Strategy
The United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Financial Statistics database is the only comprehensive source of financial statistics for the organizations of the United Nations system. Data is collected from 43 United Nations entities (in some instances with further disaggregation) and figures are validated with the organizations’ audited financial statements wherever possible. This data is currently collected annually by the CEB Secretariat, as originally mandated by the Administrative Committee on Coordination (General Assembly decisions 47/449, 53/459, 57/557 and 57/558) and is the basis for the preparation of the statistical report of CEB on the budgetary and financial situation of the organizations of the United Nations system to the General Assembly and the DESA Report on the Operational Activities for Development.
In its resolution 63/311 on system-wide coherence, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to create a central repository of information on operational activities for development, including disaggregated statistics on all funding sources and expenses and to ensure appropriate and user-friendly online access and regular updating of the information contained therein. The CEB Financial Statistics database was modernized in 2012 to meet this requirement.
The CEB Secretariat has consistently worked over the years to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of the financial data collected from the UN system organizations. Most notably, over the course of several years the CEB’s High Level Committee on Management pioneered a joint initiative with the United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG) to address the need for improved UN system-wide financial data, whereby entities from across the UN system collectively worked to develop a set of data standards for UN System-wide reporting of financial data. This “UN Data Cube” initiative responded to the need for the publication of timely, harmonized and verifiable data on funding flows system-wide, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, as called for by Member States (A/RES/71/243 paragraphs 30 and 80), as well as by the Secretary-General in his reform initiatives. The data standards were approved by HLCM and UNSDG in October and November 2018, respectively, with an effective date of 1 January 2019. The data collection for the 2018 financial year and onwards fully incorporates the new standards.
Notes to the Financial Statistics pages:
1) The revenue and expenses amounts reflect data as reported by organizations in their respective financial statements, without adjustments for revenue and/or expenses associated with transfers of funding between UN organizations.
2) Data and charts are updated annually, on conclusion of individual management survey reporting cycles, figures are quality assured and validated with the organizations’ audited financial statements wherever possible.
3) The data presented include additional six entities (CTBTO, ICC, UNCDF, UNFCCC, UNRISD, UNSSC) from 2017, three more entities (OPCW, UNITAID, IARC) from 2018, from 2019, (ITLOS) and two more from 2021 (UNCCD, ISA).
4) Chinese Taipei is WTO terminology for the territory referred to by the United Nations as Taiwan Province of China. Please also refer to the official announcement by WTO at
5) References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
Total Revenue
Revenue by Entity
Revenue by Financing Instrument
Revenue by Government donor
Revenue by Non-government donor
Revenue by Contributor Type
Total Expenses
Expenses by Function
Expenses by Geographic location
Expenses by SDG
Budgetary and financial situation of the organizations of the United Nations system
Voluntary non-core (earmarked) contributions, by organization and funding country/area
Percentage assessments by organization
Assessments voted, assessments received for current year and prior years’ assessments received
Historical Biennial Reports
UN Data Cube - The UN Data Standards for United Nations system-wide reporting of financial data