Case Studies/Marijuana: It's Time for a Conversation

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License Used
Image, Sound, Text, MovingImage, InteractiveResource
Adoption date unspecified


Evaluation Information.png
Page Importance: B-Class
Page Quality: Medium
This is a multimedia campaign sponsored by the ACLU and the ACLU of Washington State with the goal of promoting awareness of the effects of marijuana prohibition.

Creative Commons allowed us to take the conversation that we wanted to start and put it in the hands of our supporters and advocates. The conversation continues to grow because all our online resources are being shared globally. — Sarah Davies, Internet Operations Manager, ACLU of Washington State


"Marijuana: It's Time for a Conversation" is a multimedia campaign created by the ACLU of Washington State including hours of online video, an interactive game, and a downloadable booklet.

License Usage

ACLU of Washington chose a BY-NC-ND license.


ACLU of Washington was alerted to Creative Commons by their Internet Operations Manager, who is active in the Free Culture movement. Adoption of this open license allowed their supporters to rip and distribute DVDs, as well as feature the digital video on their sites. Hempfest Seattle featured all the videos and extended interviews on their website, which resulted in thousands of people who would not have come to the campaign website seeing and promoting the video.

