  • 18.10.1977 - 17.10.1987

    Paul GAUDY

    Paul GAUDY

    Born in Nivelles on 4 August 1921; studied Classical Humanities (Greek and Latin); industrial accounting; degree in commercial and financial sciences; lecturer at the Institut Supérieur de Commerce Saint-Louis in Brussels; auditor of financial companies in Brussels and legal department of the Administration centrale des contributions directes (1942). Secretary-General, Study Department, responsible for negotiations (Eurochemic, Eurocontrol) and international work (European Communities) (1957); Service du Crédit Public, part-time until assigned to international duties in April 1960; rank of Inspector-General; Financial Adviser to the Permanent Representation in charge of financial, fiscal and administrative negotiations, full member of the budgetary committee, the European Development Fund and the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, and alternate member of the European Social Fund Committee; member of the Administrative and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors of the European Schools; member of the governors' group of experts (1959); alternate member of the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (1970); Auditor of the ECSC (1971); member of the Audit Board (1972); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 17 October 1987. Died on 20 January 2017.
  • 18.10.1987 - 15.03.1992

    Fernand HEBETTE

    Fernand HEBETTE

    Born in Winenne on 24 October 1923; doctorate in law and degree in economic sciences; Economist and Economic Advisor at the Ministry of Economic Affairs (1949); Inspector of Finance at the Ministries of Employment, Social Security and the Middle Classes (1959); Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office (1963). Assistant Chef de Cabinet to the Minister for the Coordination of Social Affairs and Education (1966); Head of the Prime Minister's Economic and Social Office (1968); Chef de Cabinet to the President of the Ministerial Committee of Economic and Social Coordination (1972); Chef de Cabinet to the Secretary of State for the Budget (1974); General Inspector of Finance accredited to the Minister for Communications (1976); Chef de Cabinet to the Secretary of State for the Budget (1977); General Inspector of Finance accredited to the Minister for Communications (1979); general delegate for the reform of State Accounts (1982); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1987 to 15 March 1992. Died on 15 March 1992.
  • 21.12.1992 - 09.02.1994

    Roger CAMUS

    Roger CAMUS

    Born in Bouffioulx on 18 December 1928; degree in commercial and financial sciences (1953); passed public competition for assistant inspectors of finance (1958); second prize from the Institute of Administrative Sciences (1963); Member of the Royal Society of Political Economy; President of the Groupe Économique HEC Saint-Louis. National Institute of Statistics (1947); various positions at Belgium's Cour des comptes (1954); Special Budgetary Investigation Department (1966); High-level technical cooperation in Zaire (1973); Member of Belgium's Cour des comptes (1975); liaison officer with the Court of Auditors of the European Communities (1977); Auditor of the Agence de coopération culturelle et technique in Paris (1976); Assistant Chef de Cabinet to the Minister of Social Security (1974); Member of the Centre public d'aide sociale in Brussels (1989); Member of the Court of Auditors from 21 December 1992 to 9 February 1994. Died on 15 October 2013.
  • 10.02.1994 - 29.02.2000

    Patrick EVERARD

    Patrick EVERARD

    Born in Etterbeek on 13 March 1940; legal studies at the Université libre de Bruxelles; business engineering at Nancy's faculty of law; private industry (1961-1963); Administrator at the European Commission. Draft directives on the harmonisation of company law (1963); Principal Administrator in the Directorate-General for Budgets (1968). Assistant to the Director-General (1972); Head of the "General budget, management and financial information" Division (1974); Head of Division then Director responsible for aid for developing countries at the Court of Auditors (1978); Director responsible for audit methodology (1985); Secretary-General (1989); Member of the Court of Auditors from 10 February 1994 to 28 February 2000; Audit of measures in favour of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States (former USSR) and Mongolia (1996). Died on 11 March 2024.
  • 01.03.2000 - 28.02.2006

    Robert REYNDERS

    Robert REYNDERS

    Born in Ostend on 23 May 1945; degree in economics from the University of Ghent; Head of Division at the Research Department of the National Bank of Belgium (Central Bank); responsible for national accounts and public financial accounts (1976); Special Adviser for economic and monetary policy at the Bank of Burundi (Central Bank) on behalf of the International Monetary Fund (1983). Chef de Cabinet of the Federal Minister for the Budget (1988); Director and Member of the Board of the National Bank of Belgium (1991); Board Member of the Belgo-Luxembourg Exchange Institute (2000); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2000 to 28 February 2006. Died on 8 November 2021.
  • 01.03.2006 - 30.04.2018

    Karel PINXTEN

    Karel PINXTEN

    Born in Overpelt on 19 July 1952; Masters in Economics (M. Phil) from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) after receiving a scholarship from the British Council; graduated in economics, majoring in public finance and monetary economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) (Catholic University of Leuven); holder of a candidate of law diploma from the University of Antwerp. From 1977 to 1978 he worked as an assistant researcher in the field of public finance at the Centre for Economic Studies at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; in 1978 he spent six months in Japan as the recipient of an award from the Belgian Foreign Trade Minister; from 1980 until his entry into the Belgian Government in 1994, he was an auditor at the Belgian Court of Audit; he was on secondment between 1984 and 1994. From 1983 to 2006 he was the Mayor of Overpelt. From 1984 to 1985 he was an advisor in the Office of the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister. From 1985 to 1989 he was an advisor in the Office of the Belgian Finance Minister. As a Member of the European Parliament from 1989 to 1991, he was a member of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. From 1991 to 1994 he served as a Member of the Federal Government of Belgium and a member of the Finance Committee. He held the posts of Minister for National Defence from 1994 to 1995, and Minister for Agriculture and SMEs from 1995 to 1999. While serving as a Member of the Federal Government of Belgium between 1999 and 2006, he sat on the finance and foreign affairs committees. In 2004 he was elected chairman of the foreign affairs committee. He was a Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2006 to 30 April 2018. In 2015 he was awarded the title of baron by His Majesty King Philippe of Belgium.
  • 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2012

    Nadejda SANDOLOVA

    Nadejda SANDOLOVA

    Born in Bulgaria on 17 April 1956; Master of Science Degree in Economics and Management from Karl Marx University in Sofia; specialist researcher in financial analysis at the Economics of Construction Research Institute in Sofia (1980-1986); lecturer at Sofia's St Kliment Ohridski University Faculty of Economics (1988-2006). Head of department at the Ministry of Industry, analysing the debts of and loans granted to state enterprises, and managing relationships with international financial institutions (1991); member of the Board of Directors of Sofia Bank Ltd in Bulgaria (1993); member of the Bulgarian National Audit Office, responsible for auditing the Bulgarian Central Bank, state debt, the Bank Deposits Fund Guarantee Fund, the Bulgarian Export Insurance Agency, privatisation, state-guaranteed external debt, and public-private partnership projects, and liaison officer with other supreme audit institutions, including the European Court of Auditors (1995); member of the Auditing Board of the Council of Europe Development Bank in Paris (2004); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2012 in Audit Group IV "Own resources, banking activities, administrative expenditure, Community institutions and bodies, internal policies"; alternate member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2007); Member of Chamber IV "Revenue, research and internal policies, and institutions and bodies of the European Union"; Member representing Chamber IV in the CEAD Chamber (2010).
  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2016

    Jan KINŠT

    Jan KINŠT

    Born in Prague in 1965; graduate in Finance from Prague University of Economics (1987); attended seminars on Public Accounting and Audit (CIPFA, London), Privatisation and Public Finance (JICA, Tokyo), Public Finance Management (IMF, Vienna), Government Finance Statistics (IMF, Washington DC), Development Aid for the Corporate Sector (JICA, Tokyo); Czech Ministry of Finance, Financial Analysis Department (1988). State Budget Department (1990); Deputy Director of the State Budget Department and Head of the General Budget Affairs Division (1994); member of the Finance Committee of CERN (1993-1996); Director of the Analysis Department of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic (Nejvyšší kontrolní úřad); represented the Czech SAO in the audit-manual working group of ECA, SIGMA and candidate-country experts; various assignments for the World Bank as an expert (1999); appointed Member of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic (July 2003); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2016; Audit Group III "External Actions"; Member of the Court's Administrative Committee; member and chairman of the Verification Committee; member and chairman of the EUROPOL Verification Committee; Dean of Chamber III "External Actions" and Member of the Administrative Committee (2010); represented Chamber III in the CEAD Chamber (2011); Member and subsequently Dean (2013) of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources", representing the Chamber in the CEAD Chamber.
  • 18.10.1977 - 17.04.1983



    Born in Copenhagen on 29 August 1922; degree in law (Juridisk Kandidat) from the University of Copenhagen (1948); official at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1948); certificate of legal aptitude for the Court of Appeal (1952); auditor at the International Board of Auditors for NATO in Paris (1957). Member of the audit board for ESRO in Paris (1964); head of unit at the Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1966); head of department at the Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1972); member of the Audit Board of the European Communities in Brussels (1973); Deputy Auditor of Public Accounts (1976); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 17 April 1983. Died on 1 May 1996.
  • 18.04.1983 - 17.04.1989



    Born in Herrested on 6 May 1922; law degree from the University of Copenhagen (1948); lawyer (1948); official at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1949); provisional post at the International Board of Auditors for NATO (1956); auditor at the International Board of Auditors for NATO (1960). Head of unit at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1967); head of department at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1974); auditor-delegate to the ECMWF, Reading, United Kingdom (1976); auditor-delegate to the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany (1978); auditor (1977); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 April 1983 to 17 April 1989. Died on 23 September 1990.
  • 18.04.1989 - 30.06.1995



    Born in Vejle on 24 October 1931; master's degree in economics from the University of Copenhagen (1957); auditor at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1957); auditor at NATO (1966); head of unit at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1971). Head of department at the Danish Office for the Audit of Public Accounts (1973); Deputy Auditor-General (1983); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 18 April 1989 to 30 June 1995. Died on 4 June 2014.
  • 01.07.1995 - 31.12.2001

    Jørgen MOHR

    Jørgen MOHR

    Born in Copenhagen in 1940; degree in political sciences from the University of Copenhagen and from Copenhagen School of Business Administration (Handelshøjskolen); official at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1965); deputy head of unit at the Rigsrevisionen (Danish National Audit Office). Head of unit responsible for auditing the accounts of public works and for the Ministry for Greenland; member of the Board of Management responsible for the audit of the ministries of Social Affairs and the Environment (1971); Auditor-General (1985); member of the Monopolies Appeal Board (1987); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 July 1995 to 31 December 2001: responsible for the audit of social policies, industrial policies, the Thessaloniki Centre, the Dublin Foundation and the Cohesion Fund ("Environmental protection" aspect).
  • 01.01.2002 - 29.02.2012

    Morten Louis LEVYSOHN

    Morten Louis LEVYSOHN

    Born in Copenhagen on 31 March 1949; degree in law from the University of Copenhagen; official at the Office of the Public Trustee under the Ministry of Justice (1972); head of unit at the Rigsrevisionen responsible for the annual report, inter-departmental planning, and auditing of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Environment (1985). Head of department at the Rigsrevisionen responsible for overall planning and management of financial audits (1995); member of a working group of representatives of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the EU and the ECA on "European Implementing Guidelines for the INTOSAI Auditing Standards" (1996); Deputy Auditor-General of the Rigsrevisionen responsible for financial audits and performance audits of the Ministries of Defence, Taxation and Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (1999); liaison officer for relations with the European Court of Auditors and with the International Board of Auditors of NATO (2000); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2002 to 29 February 2012: responsible for the audit of the administrative expenditure of the EU institutions, the Office for Official Publications, external offices and delegations of the Communities, and subsidies (2002); member of Audit Group IV "Revenue, banking activities, administrative expenditure, Community institutions and bodies, internal" (2004); Dean (2005); member of the CEAD Group "Coordination, Communication, Evaluation, Assurance and Development"; alternate member of the Administrative Committee (2009); member of Chamber II "Structural policies, transport and energy" and Member representing Chamber II in the CEAD Chamber; Dean of Chamber II and member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2010).
  • 01.03.2012 - 01.02.2015

    Henrik OTBO

    Henrik OTBO

    Born in Copenhagen on 14 November 1949; master's degree in economics, University of Copenhagen (1976); official at the Rigsrevisionen (Danish National Audit Office) (1976-1984); lecturer in economics and civilisation (1980-1983) and statistics (1983) at Copenhagen Business School; attaché to the Danish Member of the Court of Auditors (1984-1985). Head of the Private Office of the Danish Member of the Court of Auditors (1985-1988); official at the Rigsrevisionen (1988-1989); lecturer in statistics at the University of Copenhagen (1988-1991); head of unit at the Rigsrevisionen (1989-1995); lecturer in economics and civilisation at the University of Copenhagen (1991-1995); Auditor-General (1995-2012); Chairman of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (2004-2012); became a Member of the European Court of Auditors on 1 March 2012; member of the CEAD Group "Coordination, Communication, Evaluation, Assurance and Development". Died on 1 February 2015.
  • 18.10.1977 - 17.10.1983

    Albert LEICHT

    Albert LEICHT

    Born in Hagenbach on 1 March 1922; studied law at the University of Mainz (1946); Referendar (first state law examination) then Assessor (second state law examination) (1949); legal practice, then judge at Speyer's Sozialgericht (1953); administrator (Referent) at the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of Rhineland-Palatinate (1955). Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag); chairman of the Budget Committee Audit Sub-Committee (1957); chairman of the CDU/CSU Group on the Budget Committee (1965); parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance (1967); chairman of the Bundestag Budget Committee (1969); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 November 1977 to 17 October 1983. Died on 2 October 1994.
  • 18.10.1983 - 20.12.1989

    Lothar HAASE

    Lothar HAASE

    Born in Kassel on 30 August 1923; degree in economic sciences from the University of Marburg (1948); Federal Labour Office (1953); Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) (1961); member of the Bundestag's Budget Committee; member of the Budget Committee's Audit Committee responsible for auditing the Federal Republic's accounts (1962). Chairman of the Budget Committee (1980); chairman of the Bundestag's Economic Affairs Committee (1982); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1983 to 20 December 1989. Died on 8 December 2013.
  • 21.12.1989 - 31.12.2001

    Bernhard FRIEDMANN

    Bernhard FRIEDMANN

    Born in Ottersweier on 8 April 1932; Doctor of Economics, graduate of the University of Freiburg-in-Breisgau and of the Freiburg School of Economic and Public Administration; senior posts in the German Federal Civil Service and in industry; Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) (1976). Served on the Parliament's Budget Committee and chaired the Budgetary Control Committee (1982) and the Approval of Defence Spending Committee (1985); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 21 December 1989 to 31 December 2001, responsible for auditing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), borrowing and lending activities and interest subsidies, and also for aid to Central and Eastern European Countries and to the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union; Dean of the Audit Group responsible for structural aid, regional policy, the Integrated Mediterranean Programmes and the "Transport Infrastructure" section of the Cohesion Fund (1994); President of the Court (1996-1999). Died on 18 May 2021.
  • 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2007

    Hedda VON WEDEL

    Hedda VON WEDEL

    Born in Quedlinburg/Harz on 18 July 1942; Doctor in Law; graduate of first and second state law examinations; law studies at the Universities of Kiel and Göttingen (Germany) and at the University of Bordeaux (France); studied International Relations at the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University (Italy); local government of Hildesheim (Lower Saxony) (1971). Senior official at the Federal Ministry for Intra-German Relations and at the Lower Saxony Ministries of the Interior and Economic Affairs and Transport (1975); personal adviser at the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior (1979); Vice-President of the local government of Weser-Ems (1981); State Secretary at the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (1983); Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) (1990); President of the German Federal Audit Office (Bundesrechnungshof) (1993); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2007, responsible for the audit of agricultural policies relating to area aid, dairy and beef markets (2002); responsible for Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources" (2004); Dean of Audit Group I (2007); member of the Court's Internal Audit Committee; alternate member of the Court's Administrative Committee and member of the Joint Audit Committee of Europol.
  • 01.01.2008 - 28.02.2014

    Harald NOACK

    Harald NOACK

    Born in Frankfurt am Main on 22 April 1949; Doctor of Law from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main; first and second state law examinations (1975); trainee judge in the public prosecutor's offices in Wiesbaden and Hanau (Hesse); lectured at the Wiesbaden University of Administrative Sciences, Frankfurt am Main campus, for three years (1980). Public Prosecutor (1981); management roles at the Hesse Ministry of Justice; Chief Public Prosecutor (1984); Ministerialrat (1986); Head of the Departments of Budgetary Affairs and Regional Planning at the Hesse Ministry of Justice; Member of the Federal Audit Office (Bundesrechnungshof) and Head of the Social Insurance Audit Division (1989); Ministerialdirigent, Head of the Department of Nuclear Regulation and Radiation Protection at the Hesse Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Federal Affairs (1991); State Secretary at the Hesse Ministry of Finance (1994); lawyer specialising in building law, public procurement law and public-private partnerships); member of the Supervisory Committee of OLAF (European Anti-Fraud Office) (1999); State Secretary in the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Finance (2000); member (2004) then Deputy General Manager (2005) of the Management Board of the Association of German Banks; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2008 to 28 February 2014: Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; alternate member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2008); member of Chamber II "Structural policies, transport and energy" (2010); Dean of Chamber II and member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2011); appointed by the Court as its representative on the Board of Auditors of the European Stability Mechanism (2012).
  • 07.05.2004 - 02.10.2016

    Kersti KALJULAID

    Kersti KALJULAID

    Born in Tartu in 1969; graduated from the University of Tartu, Estonia, with a Bachelor of Sciences in biology (genetics) (1992); Master of Business Administration (2001); worked for Hansapank Markets (investment banking department) as an associate (1998). Economic policy adviser in the office of the Estonian Prime Minister, responsible for relations with the IMF and other multilateral financial institutions (EBRD, NIB, World Bank); took part in preparatory work for pension reform (1999); finance manager of the Iru power plant (2002); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 10 October 2016: assigned to Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; Chair of the Court's Administrative Committee (2006); Member of the CEAD Group "Coordination, communication, evaluation, assurance and development" (2008); member of the Joint Audit Committee of Europol; Member responsible for the DAS (Statement of Assurance) in the CEAD Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance and development" (2010); investiture on 10 October 2016 as President of the Republic of Estonia for a five-year term.
  • 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2022

    Juhan PARTS

    Juhan PARTS

    Born in Tallinn, Estonia in 1966; studied at the University of Tartu and graduated cum laude in Law. Prior to joining the European Court of Auditors (ECA), Juhan Parts had been Prime Minister of Estonia (2003 2005) and before that, Auditor General at the National Audit Office of Estonia (1998 2002). Mr Parts’ tasks at the ECA focused on defence and foreign affairs. He was responsible for many special reports, including on EU support for the rule of law in the Western Balkans and reducing grand corruption in Ukraine. Juhan Parts chaired the Future Foresight Task Force and was also a member of the Strategy and Foresight Advisory Panel.
  • 18.10.1977 - 17.05.1986

    Michael MURPHY

    Michael MURPHY

    Born in Cork on 19 January 1919; various posts in the civil service (1937); administrative officer then assistant principal officer in the Ministry of Finance (1946); principal officer (1962) and Assistant Secretary for the Budget (1968); second Secretary (division head), head of the public expenditure division, responsible for all public expenditure matters (1971). Secretary of the Department of Finance; Director at the Central Bank of Ireland; Alternate Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; member of the Coordinating Committee on Short-Term Economic and Financial Policies (EEC); member of the National Economic and Social Council; Member of the National Science Council; member of the board and executive committee of the Economic and Social Research Institute; Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 17 May 1986; President of the Court (1977-1981). Died on 28 March 2009.
  • 18.05.1986 - 09.02.1994

    Richie RYAN

    Richie RYAN

    Born in Dublin on 27 February 1929; degree in economics, law and political sciences from University College Dublin; commercial and tax lawyer; director of a company; member of the Council of Ministers for Economics and Finance; governor of the International Monetary Fund and the European Investment Bank; Minister for Finance and Public Services (1973). President of the Council (1975); Member of the European Parliament (1977); First Vice-President of the European Parliament (1984); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 May 1986 to 9 February 1994; died on 17 March 2019.
  • 10.02.1994 - 29.02.2000

    Barry DESMOND

    Barry DESMOND

    Born in Cork in 1935; Master's degree in commerce from the National University of Ireland; member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers; Education and Industrial Officer at the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (1961); Member of the Irish Parliament (Dáil Éireann) (1969); delegate to the Assembly of the Council of Europe (1973); Deputy Leader of the Irish Labour Party (1981). Member of the Committee of Public Accounts (1987); Member of the European Parliament: Vice-Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy; Vice-Chair of the Group of the Party of European Socialists; member of the EP-ACP and EP-USA delegations (1989); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 10 February 1994 to 29 February 2000: responsible for the "EAGGF-Guidance, Research" sector; Dean of Audit Group I, responsible for the "EAGGF I (animal products, sugar, fisheries)" sector (1996).
  • 01.03.2000 - 09.02.2010



    Born in Carna, Co. Galway, on 5 September 1950; graduate of Carysfort Teacher Training College, Blackrock, Co. Dublin; Member of the Irish Parliament (Dáil Éireann) (1975); Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy (1977); Minister of State at the same department (1978); first woman Cabinet Minister since the foundation of the State; Minister for the Gaeltacht (1979). Minister of State for Education (1982); chair of the first parliamentary All-Party Committee on Women's Rights (1982); member of the All-Party Committee on Marital Breakdown; Minister of State for European Affairs (1987); responsible for coordinating the Irish EU Presidency (1990); chaired the interdepartmental Committee on EU Policy, and the Budget, Culture, Development and Telecommunications Councils during the Irish Presidency; Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications; responsible for 11 of the principal state-owned companies in Ireland (1992); Minister of Justice (1993), member of the Irish Government team which negotiated the Joint Declaration of December 1993, by the British and Irish governments, on Peace and Reconciliation in Ireland; career in the private sector as a business consultant; non-executive director of two major Irish companies; weekly columnist on the Irish Times newspaper and broadcaster with TG4 (Irish language television station) (1997); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2000 to 9 February 2010: responsible for the audit of the EU's animal and plant products, other EAGGF expenditure and agricultural measures (2000); responsible for the Court's ADAR (Audit Development and Reports) division; Dean of the CEAD (Coordination, Evaluation, Assurance, Development) Group (2002); member of Group III "External Actions" (2006); member of the Court's Administrative Committee upon its inception (2009).
  • 31.03.2010 - 29.02.2012

    Eoin O'SHEA

    Eoin O'SHEA

    Born in Co. Galway in 1976; Chartered Accountant, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland; member of the Irish Taxation Institute; holder of various diplomas: Commercial Law, Law Society of Ireland; Legal Studies, Honorable Society of King's Inns, Ireland; Commercial Litigation, Law Society of Ireland; Insolvency and Corporate Restructuring, Law Society of Ireland; Chartered Accountant with Deloitte & Touche, Dublin (1996). Chairman of the Ground Marketing Group (Havas Plc/4D Ireland) (2000); President of the Institute of Management Consultants in Ireland (2005); Chief Executive of the Institute of Directors in Ireland (2006); member of the audit committee of An Garda Síochána (Irish Police Force) (2009); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 31 March 2010 to 29 February 2012: Member of Audit Group III "External actions"; Member of Chamber IV "Revenue, Research and internal policies, and Institutions and bodies of the European Union"; alternate member of the CEAD Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance and development"; reporting Member for the Court's work in relation to EU Agencies.
  • 01.03.2012 - 28.02.2018

    Kevin CARDIFF

    Kevin CARDIFF

    Born in Dublin on 24 February 1961; Bachelor of Arts from the University of Washington (1983); Masters in Business Studies, University College Dublin (1991); Diploma in Applied Finance Law, Law Society of Ireland (2003). Secretary-General, Department of Finance (2010-2012); Under-Secretary-General, Department of Finance (2006-2010). Under-Secretary, fiscal policy, Department of Finance (2005-2006); Under-Secretary, Banking Division, International Relations and Financial Services, Department of Finance (2001-2005); Head of the Central Policy Unit for Freedom of Information and Ethics, Department of Finance (1999-2001); Head of Administrative Budgets, Department of Finance (1998-1999); First Assistant, Public Service Pension Scheme, Department of Finance (1996-1998); First Assistant, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates Unit, Department of Finance (1989-1996); administrative officer, treatment of public domestic debt (assistant bond broker), Department of Finance (1988-1989); Administrative Head, public service employment conditions, Department of Finance/Civil Service (1986-1988); Administrative Head, wage policy, Department of the Civil Service (1984-1986). In addition to the above-mentioned positions, Mr Cardiff has also held a number of other posts in recent years: Member of the Commission of the Central Bank of Ireland; Deputy Director and Director on the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank; chairman and member of the Fiscal Advisory Group within the Irish Government; Irish representative to the European Code of Conduct Group on taxation; and member and substitute member of the EU Financial Services Committee. Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 May 2012 to 28 February 2018: Member in Chamber I "Sustainable use of natural resources", in the CAED Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance and development", where he was responsible for audit development and review, and in Chamber IV - "Regulation of markets and competitive economy".
  • 01.01.1981 - 17.10.1983

    Georges VITALIS

    Georges VITALIS

    Born in Athens in 1924; degree in law from the University of Athens; lawyer (1949); district judge (1952); assessor at the Court of First Instance (1954); assigned as a judge to the United Nations by the Greek government (1962); President of the Court of First Instance (1965); judge at the Court of Appeal (1967); counsellor at the Greek Court of Audit (1975). Vice-President of the Greek Court of Audit, auditing public finance and legal persons governed by public law (1980); Member of the Court of Auditors from 1 January 1981 to 17 October 1983. Died on 10 September 2013.
  • 18.10.1983 - 20.12.1989

    Stergios VALLAS

    Stergios VALLAS

    Born in Platanos Trikalon in 1926; degree in law from the University of Athens (1952); post-graduate studies in commercial and European law at the University of Paris; official at the Ministry of Communications (Directorate-General of the Post Office) (1948); lawyer at the Athens Bar (1955). District judge (1956); assessor then judge at the Court of First Instance (1957); President of the Court of First Instance (1970); judge at the Court of Appeal and Mayor of Thessaloniki (1974); counsellor at the Greek Court of Audit (1979); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1983 to 20 December 1989. Died on 9 November 2003.
  • 21.12.1989 - 31.12.1995

    Constantinos ANDROUTSOPOULOS

    Constantinos ANDROUTSOPOULOS

    Born in Pyrgos Ilia in 1923; degree in law from the University of Athens; lawyer in Athens (1952); assessor then judge at the Court of First Instance (1954); assessor at the State Legal Service (1964); state legal adviser at the Ministry of Coordination (Ministry of Economics) and the ministries of Culture and Science, Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Defence (1969). Attended the Academy of International Law at the University of Dallas (1972); took part in the negotiations concerning Greece's accession to the European Communities held at Greece's permanent representation in Brussels (1975); legal adviser at the Ministry of Agriculture (1976); Member of the Court of Auditors from 21 December 1989 to 31 December 1995. Died on 1 January 1998.
  • 01.01.1996 - 31.12.2001

    Kalliopi NIKOLAOU

    Kalliopi NIKOLAOU

    Born in Assos-Korinthos in 1937; degree in economics from the University of Bonn; master's degree in economics from the University of Berkeley; doctorate in economics from the University of Bonn; expert and researcher at the Centre for Economic Planning and Research, responsible for the industrial sector. Member of the European Parliament, coordinator for the budget (1981); President of the Hellenic National Property Company; Greek Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the OECD (1993); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2001: responsible for auditing EAGGF-Guarantee 2 expenditure.
  • 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2013

    Ioannis SARMAS

    Ioannis SARMAS

    Born on Kos on 21 March 1957; law degree from the University of Athens, first place in his year (1975); diplomas of further studies from the University of Paris II Sorbonne in criminal law (1980), public law (1982) and public finance (1983). Taught "Law Methodology and Public Finance" at Greece's National School of Public Administration (1989) and "Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and of the European Court of Human Rights' at Greece's National School for the Judiciary (1997); doctoral thesis in law (1985, distinction of très honorable); sat recruitment competitions (1986) organised by the Greek Council of State and the Greek National School of Public Administration (first place in both competitions); magistrate of the Greek Council of State (1987); magistrate at the Greek Court of Audit (1993); Vice-President of the Greek Court of Audit; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2013: Dean of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources"; responsible for auditing the European Central Bank, the European Investment Bank and the operating expenditure of both EU institutions and bodies and the European Schools; Member responsible for developing the methodology of the Court, and for the research sector; chair of the committee responsible for assessing the external activities of Members of the Court; member and chair of the audit committee for Europol.
  • 27.01.1986 - 09.02.1994

    Josep SUBIRATS

    Josep SUBIRATS

    Born in Tortosa on 1 May 1920; doctorate in economics; accountant; auditor; professor of corporate tax policy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona; director of the newspaper El Pueblo (1936); director of the periodical Ara; senator in the Constituent Assembly (1977). Member of the joint Senate-Congress committee for budgetary and financial matters and Senate budgets; re-elected senator of the Province of Tarragona (1979); vice-chairman of the budget committee; member of the finance, budget, health and social security, Statute and presidency committees, and member of the permanent deputation of the Senate; member of the delegation of representatives of the Assembly of Catalan Parliamentarians who negotiated the region's autonomous statute with the Constitutional Committee of Congress; spokesman and secretary of the parliamentary group "Catalonia democracy and socialism"; member of the permanent section of the socialist group and coordinator of the group's activities in the economic, financial and budgetary domains; member of the Senate committees responsible for reporting on the state budget and the committees consulted about the draft fiscal and economic laws (1978); Senate representative to the Federal Republic of Germany and the Council of Europe on fiscal and economic matters; head of the audit section and member of the administrative committee (Comisiὀn de Gobierno) of the Spanish Court of Auditors; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 27 January 1986 to 9 February 1994.
  • 10.02.1994 - 29.02.2000

    Antoni CASTELLS

    Antoni CASTELLS

    Born in Barcelona on 24 September 1950; doctorate in economics; professor at the University of Barcelona; held the chair of public finance (1989); president of one of the two chambers of the Sindicatura de Comptes de Catalunya (1984-1989). Member of the Catalan Parliament, member of the budget committee (1992-1994); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 10 February 1994 to 29 February 2000: responsible for the "Own resources" and "Regional sector - Transport - Tourism" sectors (1996).
  • 01.03.2000 - 28.02.2006

    Juan Manuel FABRA VALLÉS

    Juan Manuel FABRA VALLÉS

    Born in Tortosa on 4 February 1950; graduate of Complutense University of Madrid; head of the Tarragona branch of the People's Party (1978); Member of the Parliament of Tarragona; member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (1982). Spokesman for the Tortosa People's Party (1979); regional head of the Catalan branch of the People's Party; member of the National Executive Committee of the People's Party (1986); deputy president of the European People's Party group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1989); Member of the Western European Union Assembly (1991); Budgetary Control Committee, Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy Committees (1994); Member of the European Court of Auditors (2000-2006): President of the Court, 2002-2005. Died on 16 April 2012.
  • 01.03.2006 - 29.02.2012



    Born in Palma de Mallorca, in 1943; doctorate in law from Complutense University of Madrid; assistant professor and researcher at Complutense University (1969); professor at the University of Valladolid (1976) and at the University of the Balearic Islands (1977); Dean of the Faculty of Law (1978). Deputy Magistrate at the Higher Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (1979); Vice-Rector of the University of the Balearic Islands (1980); Member of the Spanish Parliament (1982); chairman of the Committee on the Economy, Trade and Finance (1983); member of the Committee on Budgets and the Committee on External Affairs and member of the joint Congress/Senate Committee responsible for relations with the Court of Auditors regarding the examination of the national accounts (1984); represented the Spanish Parliament at meetings of the Interparliamentary Union (1985); adviser to the Institute of Fiscal Studies, attached to the Spanish Ministry of Finance; participated in the drafting of the "Report on the economic and financial management of public expenditure in Spain" (1990); responsible for preparing and drafting appeals to the Constitutional Court against the accompanying laws for the Spanish national budget (1997); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2006 to 29 February 2012, assigned to Audit Group IV "Revenue, banking activities, administrative expenditure, Community institutions and bodies, internal policies".
  • 01.03.2012 - 29.02.2024

    Baudilio TOMÉ MUGURUZA

    Baudilio TOMÉ MUGURUZA

    Born in Leon on 12 May 1962. Graduated in law (1985), and economics and business (1989); Master of Laws and International Tax Programme from Harvard Law School (1992). Lecturer of public finance at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid from 1993 to 1995. Became State finance inspector in 1986. Tax inspector at the tax office in A Coruña from 1988 to 1989, then company tax coordinator in the Directorate-General for Taxation. Member of the Madrid Economic-Administrative Court from 1995 to 1996. From 1996 to 2000, Director of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in the Spanish Prime Minister’s Office, and then Director of the Prime Minister’s Budget Office. Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society in the Ministry of Science and Technology from 2000 to 2002. In 2002, Director of the Department of Research and Political Communication in the Prime Minister’s Office and Secretary-General of the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies. Elected as a member of the Congress of Deputies three times (2004, 2008 and 2011). Member of the committees on the economy and finance, budgets, and science and technology. Appointed by his party as finance spokesperson in the Committee on the Economy and Finance in the Congress of Deputies. Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2012 to 29 February 2024: Member in Chamber IV (2012-2018), of which he was appointed Dean in 2016; Member in Chamber III (2018-2023); and Chair of the Audit Quality Control Committee (2023-2024).
  • 18.10.1977 - 20.12.1989

    Pierre LELONG

    Pierre LELONG

    Born in Paris on 22 May 1931; degree in law; graduate of Paris's Institut d'Études Politiques; studied at the École Nationale d'Administration, economics and finance section (1956); Ministry of Finance (1958); Secretariat-General for Interministerial Economic Cooperation Issues (1961). Chargé de mission in the Prime Minister's Office (1962); Conseiller maître at the Cour des comptes française; Director of the Agricultural Markets Guidance and Regulation Fund (1967); Member of Parliament for Finistère (1968); Secretary of State for Post and Telecommunications (1974); Administrator at the Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole and Air France; Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 20 December 1989; President of the Court from 1981 to 1984.
  • 21.12.1989 - 16.12.1995

    Daniel STRASSER

    Daniel STRASSER

    Born in Paris on 10 June 1929; graduate of Paris's Institut d'Études Politiques (1950); doctorate in Economic Sciences, graduate in public law; Chargé de mission to the Presidency of the Governing Council, Office of the Secretary-General of the Government responsible for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1953). seconded to the Commission of the European Economic Community (Common Market) as Principal Administrator in the Executive Secretariat; Assistant to the Director-General for Administration (1959); Director of Home Affairs (1963); Director of Administration (1968); Director of Personnel (1970); Director for Budgets (1973); Director-General for Budgets of the Commission of the European Communities (1977); Conseiller maître at the Cour des comptes française in an extraordinary capacity; Delegate for airspace matters (1986); President of the National Association of Doctors in Economics, President of the Executive Bureau (1978); Professor of European Public Finance at the College of Europe in Bruges (1981); Professor at the European University Centre in Nancy; Visiting Professor at the University of Strasbourg (1983); Member of the Court of Auditors from 21 December 1989 to 16 December 1995. Died on 16 December 1995.
  • 01.01.1996 - 31.12.2007

    Jean-François BERNICOT

    Jean-François BERNICOT

    Born in Paris on 5 March 1948; degree in engineering from France's Naval Academy, graduate of France's Naval School of Administration, and Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government; various positions at the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, and the Interministerial Maritime Mission (1968). Auditor and then Conseiller référendaire at the Cour des comptes française auditing the Ministries of Education and Research, and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; external audit of the accounts of the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization (1987); member of the INTOSAI and EUROSAI committees (1988); rapporteur at the Court of Budgetary and Financial Discipline (1990); Chargé de mission to the First President of the Cour des comptes française, responsible for setting up a Department for International and European Affairs, subsequently serving as Deputy Secretary-General (1993); member of the National Disciplinary Chamber for Private Sector Auditors; represented the Order of French Accountants on the public sector committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC); taught Community public finance at postgraduate level at the University of Paris I; senior lecturer at the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2007; responsible for the "Audit of own resources and reimbursements to Member States" sector; responsible for setting up a new "Rural development, fisheries and the sea" audit sector (2000); Dean of Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources", responsible for auditing animal and plant product markets, rural development, fisheries and the sea (2002).
  • 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2013

    Michel CRETIN

    Michel CRETIN

    Born in Lons-Le-Saunier on 17 August 1942; graduate of the École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) and the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA); magistrate at the Cour des comptes française (1969); representative of the PremierPrésident (First President) of the Cour des Comptes Française as Director of the UN's Board of Auditors in New York (1986). Director of the Taskforce of the Audit Office of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva (1989); permanent representative in Rome of the Premier Président of the Cour des comptes française and Director of External Audit of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) (1994); Member of the Board of Auditors of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels (1998); President of the Sixth Chamber of the Cour des Comptes Française (2005); while at the Cour des comptes française, served as France's representative on the Public Sector Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) (1989); Member of France's State Accounting Standards Committee; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2013; Member of Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources" (2008); Dean of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources" and Member of the Administrative Committee (2010); Member of Chamber I and alternate member of the Administrative Committee.
  • 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2019

    Danièle LAMARQUE

    Danièle LAMARQUE

    Born in Bayonne on 22 January 1953; graduate of the National School of Administration (ENA). Magistrat at the French Cour des comptes (1984), later Head of two regional Chambers of Accounts (Rouen and Marseille). President (2020-2021) of the European Evaluation Society, member of various think tanks and academic networks.
  • 15.07.2013 - 14.07.2019

    Neven MATES

    Neven MATES

    Born in Zagreb in 1951; B.A. from Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb (graduated 1975); Master's degree in Economics, Faculty of Foreign Trade, University of Zagreb (graduated 1981); PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb (graduated 1988); Fulbright post-doctoral scholar, North-Western University, Evanston, IL, USA (graduated 1990). Various research position, including Chief of Division for monetary policy, and Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia (until 1992); Member of advisory committees on macroeconomic policy and structural reforms formed by the Federal Government of the former SFR Yugoslavia(until 1989); Member of the Board of the Bank Rehabilitation Agency of the Government of the former SFR Yugoslavia (until 1990); Advisor to the Governor of the National Bank of Croatia on the introduction of the first Croatian currency after the declaration of Croatian independence (until 1992); Fiscal Economist for Pakistan, Fiscal Affairs Department (until 1993); Fiscal Economist for Poland, Fiscal Affairs Department (until 1995); Senior Desk Officer for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, European Department (until 1997); Senior Desk Officer for Slovakia, European Department (until 1999); Mission Chief for Albania (2000); Mission Chief for Romania (until 2004); Senior resident representative, Head of the IMF Moscow Office, Russia (until 2009); Mission Chief for Belarus, with the position in Moscow (until 2009); Staff Member, IMF, Washington DC, USA (1992-2009); Senior advisor, Croatian National Bank (2009-2013). 2013 - became a Member of the European Court of Auditors, and was appointed to Chamber IV - Revenue - research and internal policies, and institutions and bodies of the European Union.
  • 18.10.1977 - 31.12.1992

    Aldo ANGIOI

    Aldo ANGIOI

    Born in Rome on 11 April 1927; master's degree in law (1947); passed administrators' competition for the Ministry of Employment and Social Security (1949); magistrate at the Corte dei Conti (Italian Court of Audit) (1953); counsellor at the Corte dei Conti (1970). Member of the International Board of Auditors for NATO (1973); President of the International Board of Auditors for NATO (1974); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 31 December 1992: President of the Court from 1990 to 1992. Died on 24 October 2020.
  • 01.01.1993 - 28.02.2006

    Giorgio CLEMENTE

    Giorgio CLEMENTE

    Born in Rome on 18 December 1939; degree in law and higher degree in employment law from the University of Rome; various managerial posts at the Ministries of Defence, Post, Public Works and Transport (1962). >Magistrate at the Corte dei Conti, assigned to the International and Community Relations Department, the first jurisdictional section for public accounts, and the office responsible for coordinating ex post audits (1972); Member of the Court of Auditors from 1 January 1993 to 28 February 2006: responsible for auditing the "EAGGF-Guarantee" sector (budgetary management and control procedures, and general matters); responsible for the audit of the "European Development Funds" sector (1996).
  • 01.03.2006 - 28.11.2011

    Massimo VARI

    Massimo VARI

    Born in Frosinone on 23 October 1937; degree in law from Rome's Sapienza University; magistrate at the Corte dei Conti (1972), assigned successively to various functions including audit at the Public Prosecutor's Office (1973), the local authorities section and various jurisdictional sections (1980). Judge at the Italian Constitutional Court (1993), then Vice-President (2001); section head, responsible for coordinating the Corte dei Conti's regional audit sections, and member of the College of Joint Sections for judgments on the general accounts of the State and of special-status regions and provinces, and for reports to Parliament (2002); lectured in constitutional justice, state and public accounting, and administrative and constitutional law at various higher-education establishments; rapporteur at various international conferences; member of many public commissions and study groups since the 1980s; Chairman of the Technical and Scientific Committee set up at the Ministry of the Interior to examine the fundamental tasks of local authorities (2003); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2006 to 28 November 2011: assigned to Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; Member of Chamber II "Structural policies, transport and energy" (2010). Died on 18 June 2013.
  • 01.03.2012 - 30.04.2024

    Pietro Russo

    Pietro RUSSO

    Born in Syracuse on 10 February 1952; graduated summa cum laude in law from the University of Catania; qualified as a lawyer in 1977, and in the same year was successful in the competition for Court magistrates and judges; Judge at the Italian Court of Auditors from 1985, with multiple roles as Referendary, Counsellor and Dean of Chamber, assigned to the Sicilian Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Central Audit Management Chamber and the Joint Audit Chambers; Head of the Private Office of the Italian Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1993 to 2003; Member of the NATO Board of Auditors from 2009 to 2012; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 2012 to 2024, assigned to Chambers IV, V, II and I, rapporteur for the EU Agencies and for several chapters of the Court’s Annual Report; visiting professor at the University of Catania; author of numerous publications in the main Italian legal journals and a monograph.

  • 02.11.2004 - 01.11.2010

    Kikis KAZAMIAS

    Kikis KAZAMIAS

    Born in Lefkoniko (Famagusta) on 27 August 1951; Master's degree in Economics from the Hochschule für Ökonomie in Berlin, with a specialisation in foreign trade and international economic relations; import manager of a major commercial firm (1977). Manager of a family company (1984); elected as a Member of the Cypriot House of Representatives (1991) representing the Progressive Party of the Working People, and re-elected in 1996; member of the Financial and Budgetary Parliamentary Committee, and member of the Trade, Industry and Tourism Committee (1991); member of the Communications and Public Works Committee (1991); member of the Joint EU/Cyprus Parliamentary Committee; represented the Cypriot Parliament at various international meetings abroad (1996); general executive manager of Cyprus' largest cooperative financial organisation (1997); president of the Investments Group of Cooperative Societies (1999); elected mayor of Famagusta; became President of the Occupied Municipalities Committee and First Vice-President of the Union of Cyprus Municipalities (2001); appointed Minister of Communications and Works by the President of the Republic of Cyprus (2003); also appointed Member of the Council of Internal Control; participated as a Minister in EU Council of Ministers' meetings on Transport, Development, Shipping and Telecommunications; resigned from his post in April 2004; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 2 November 2004 to 1 November 2010; responsible for Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources"; member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2004); Member of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources" (2010).
  • 02.11.2010 - 01.11.2022

    Lazaros S. LAZAROU

    Lazaros S. LAZAROU

    Born in Liopetri (Famagusta) on 10 January 1958; Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA); Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government (Harvard); Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Hull, UK. Trained and worked with audit firms as a professional accountant/auditor in the UK and Cyprus. Served at: the Inland Revenue department of the Republic of Cyprus (1989-1999); the Treasury, as the Accountant General of the Republic of Cyprus (2000-2010); the European Court of Auditors (ECA) as Member (2010-2022). As ECA Member, served in: Chamber I “Preservation and management of natural resources” (11.2010-04.2012); Chamber II “Structural policies, transport and energy’’ (05.2012-01.2014); CEAD Chamber representing Chambers I and II (01.2011-01.2014); CEAD Chamber as permanent Member (02.2014-05.2016); Chamber V as Dean (06.2016-02.2020); Chamber II “Investments for cohesion, development and social inclusion” (02.2020-10.2022). For six years, he also served as ECA Member for the annual report (02.2014-02.2020).

  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2016

    Igors LUDBORŽS

    Igors LUDBORŽS

    Born in Jūrmala on 4 June 1964; PhD in accounting from the University of Vilnius; postgraduate diploma in international tax law from Robert Kennedy University; graduation diploma in accounting and operational analysis from the University of Latvia; lecturer and then professor at the University of Latvia's Institute of Accountancy (1985). Financial director of IP Riga, a Latvian-German joint venture (1990); auditor and then audit manager at Coopers & Lybrand Latvia (1993); deputy head and then head of the internal audit department of Parex Bank (1997); managing director of his own certified audit practice (2003); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2016; Audit Group IV "Own resources, banking activities, administrative expenditure, Community institutions and bodies" (2004); member of the Administrative Committee; Dean of the CEAD Chamber (Coordination, Evaluation, Assurance and Development), primarily responsible for Audit Quality and Support; member of the Administrative Committee (2012); vice-chairman and chairman of the Board of Auditors of the European Stability Mechanism.
  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2010



    Born in Šakiai on 15 October 1957; diploma in Economics, Vilnius University, Lithuania; member of the Lithuanian Association of Certified Auditors and Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), United Kingdom. Participated in the following courses and seminars: intensive training programme for trainers in international accounting, auditing, information systems and corporate finance (Center for International Accounting Development, University of Texas, University of Vilnius, and The Soros Foundation, New York); accounting principles, cost and management accounting and financial management (School of Accountancy, DePaul University, Chicago); accountant-economist at a garment-manufacturing company in Vilnius (1980); head of the Industrial Division of the Computing Centre for Statistics of Lithuania (1983); teacher at Vilnius College of Higher Education (1987); senior auditor and manager (1994), then Head of Assurance Services and Deputy Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers Vilnius (2003); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2010; assigned to Audit Group IV "Revenue, Banking Activities, Administrative Expenditure, Institutions and Bodies of the European Union and Internal Policies"; member and then chair (2005) of the Court's Internal Audit Committee; member of the Court's CEAD Group "Coordination, Communication, Evaluation, Assurance and Development", representing Group IV; Dean of Group IV (2007).
  • 07.05.2010 - 15.06.2016



    Born in Plungė on 8 May 1960; diploma (summa cum laude) of Lawyer in Civil Law from Vilnius University's Faculty of Law (1993); head of the General Unit at Marijampole Town Board (1983); chief inspector at the Disabled Matters Unit; senior consultant at the Law Drafting Unit, Ministry of Social Security of the Republic of Lithuania (1985). Adviser at the Legal Affairs and Agreements Unit, Ministry of International Economic Relations of the Republic of Lithuania (1992); adviser to the Prime Minister, Government of the Republic of Lithuania (1993); legal adviser, Joint Stock Company Lelija (1995); Under-Secretary, Ministry of Justice (1997); Vice Minister, Ministry of Justice (1998); Deputy Under-Secretary, Ministry of Internal Affairs (2001); Under-Secretary, Ministry of Internal Affairs (2002); Auditor General, National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania (2005); member of the EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions) Governing Board (2005); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2010 to 15 June 2016 , Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources"; Dean of Chamber I (2014).
  • 16.06.2016 - 15.11.2022

    Rimantas ŠADŽIUS

    Rimantas ŠADŽIUS

    In 1983, Rimantas Šadžius graduated cum laude in Chemistry from Lomonosov Moscow State University . In 2002, he graduated with a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Law at Vilnius University. Prior to 2003, Mr Šadžius garnered professional experience both as a scientific researcher in quantum chemistry and solid-state physics, and as a translator, editor and publisher of scientific literature. From 1996, he also worked as an accounting and tax consultant for a private company. He continued his career in Lithuania’s government institutions as deputy minister in the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (2003–2004), deputy minister in the Ministry of Health (2004–2006), and deputy minister in the Ministry of Finance (2006–2007). From mid-2007 to end-2008, Mr Šadžius was the Lithuanian Minister of Finance. From 2009 to 2012, he was a lecturer (in Public Finance) at the University of Educational Sciences in Lithuania, and also worked for an academic publishing services company. From December 2012 to June 2016, Mr Šadžius was again the Lithuanian Minister of Finance and in this capacity, he served as President of the ECOFIN Council in the second half of 2013. During his term as Minister of Finance, Lithuania adopted the euro and became the 19th eurozone member on 1 January 2015. From 16 June 2016 to 15 November 2022, Mr Šadžius was a Member of the European Court of Auditors. He worked in Chamber IV: “Regulation of markets and competitive economy”. Among other tasks, he was responsible for several ECA audits relating to the capital markets union, the single resolution mechanism, and annual audits of the EU agencies. In 2017, Mr Šadžius was elected as the ECA’s Member for Institutional Relations.
  • 18.10.1977 - 20.12.1989

    Marcel MART

    Marcel MART

    Born in Esch-sur-Alzette on 10 May 1927; doctorate in law; lawyer at the Luxembourg Bar (1953); first editor at the international news agency Agence Europe (1955); deputy spokesman of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (1960). Head of the information bureau of the three European Communities in New York (1964); head of the Information to Third Countries department at the Commission of the European Economic Community (1967); Minister of the Economy, the Middle Classes, Tourism, Transport and Energy of the Luxembourg government (1969); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 20 December 1989: President of the Court from 1984 to 1989. Died on 15 November 2019.
  • 21.12.1989 - 31.12.1995

    Maurice THOSS

    Maurice THOSS

    Born in Pétange on 19 July 1939; graduated in translation (1964) and political sciences from the University of Geneva; parliamentary secretary at Luxembourg's Chamber of Deputies (1966). Secretary of State for Employment and Immigration in the government of Gaston Thorn (1974); Deputy, member of the parliamentary assemblies of the Council of Europe, the WEU and the Benelux; municipal councillor; chairman of the finance and public works committees (1979); chairman of the Socialist Group in the Chamber of Deputies; chairman of the economics committee; vice-chairman of the finance committee (1984); Member of the Court of Auditors from 21 December 1989 to 31 December 1995. Died on 9 November 2003.
  • 01.01.1996 - 31.12.2007

    François COLLING

    François COLLING

    Born in Esch-sur-Alzette on 5 March 1940; graduated in electrical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland; post at the Central Office for Nuclear Measurement in Geel (Belgium) (1965). Developed computer control systems and computer applications for the ARBED steel group (Luxembourg) (1975); elected to the Luxembourg Parliament (1979), and re-elected in 1984, 1989 and 1994; chairman of the Christian Social Party (CSP) parliamentary group from 1985 to 1995 and chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee; chairman of the Research and Education Committee, and initiator and rapporteur of a preliminary debate on a law concerning the creation of public research centres, as well as the reform of Luxembourg's Centre Universitaire and Institut Supérieur de Technologie; architect of a bill to reform Luxembourg's Chambre des Comptes; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2007: responsible for the audit of "EAGGF-Guidance, Research, Energy and New Policies" (1996); responsible for the audit of "Internal Policies and Research (including JET and the Joint Research Centre)", which included education, professional training, the environment, transport, culture, consumer protection and research (1998); Member of Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; Dean of Audit Group II (2004). Died on 18 October 2024.
  • 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2019

    Henri GRETHEN

    Henri GRETHEN

    Born in Esch-sur-Alzette on 16 July 1950; Secretary-General of Luxembourg's Democratic Party between 1981 and 1990, and again from 1994 to 2004. From 1999 to 2004 he was Minister for the Economy and Minister for Transport. He also served briefly as Minister for the Public Service in 2004. Mr Grethen held various positions at the Confédération du commerce luxembourgeois (trade confederation) from 1976 to 1989, and in 1981 he was appointed Secretary-General. He was a Member of Parliament from 1984 to 1999 and again from 2004 to 2008. He served on the Finance and Budget Committee from 1990 to 1999 and was later appointed Chairman of the Committee on Budgetary Control. He was Deputy Speaker of the Parliament from 1998 to 1999 and from 2006 to 2007. As a Member of Parliament, Mr Grethen was responsible for drafting the 1999 act setting up and regulating the Luxembourg Cour des comptes, and for its revision in 2007, and presented both bills to the Parliament as rapporteur. The direct consequence of this act was that an independent Court of Auditors was set up in Luxembourg to examine the legality and regularity of state revenue and expenditure and the management of public funds. Mr Grethen became a Member of the European Court of Auditors in 1 January 2008. From 1 January 2008 to 1 June 2010 he worked in Audit Group II "Structural Policies, Transport, Research and Energy" and as a member of the Administrative Committee. On 1 June 2010, following the reorganisation of the Court, Mr Grethen became a Member in Chamber II "Structural Policies, Transport and Energy" and an alternate member of the Administrative Committee. From October 2013 to September 2016 Henri Grethen was Dean of Chamber II and hence a full member of the Administrative Committee.
  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2010

    Gejza Zsolt HALÁSZ

    Gejza Zsolt HALÁSZ

    Born in Budapest in 1947; diploma in finance from the Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences in Budapest; participated in courses on international economic relations at the Postgraduate Institute of Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences and in an international auditor fellowship programme provided by the US General Accounting Office. Assistant administrator then head of department at the Central Statistical Office of Hungary, responsible for international relations, planning and reporting, and coordination of data collection; Head of the President's Office (1970); as senior auditor at the Government Control Commission, audited financial institutions and government finances (1984); Deputy Auditor Director-General then Auditor Director-General at the State Audit Office of Hungary (Állami Számvevőszék), responsible for auditing state-owned companies, privatisation, social and health security funds, major investment projects, foreign assistance including EU pre-accession funds, state-owned properties, finances of political parties and non-profit organisations; responsible for international relations; organised the XVIIIth Congress of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) (1990); chief coordinator and head of an interdepartmental working group for financial control under the European Integration Interdepartmental Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; member of the Hungarian Financial Auditors' Association (1996); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2010; Member and then Dean (2009) of Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources"; member of the CEAD Group (Coordination, Evaluation, Assurance and Development); alternate member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2006).
  • 07.05.2010 - 31.08.2017

    Szabolcs FAZAKAS

    Szabolcs FAZAKAS

    Born in Budapest in 1947; degree (1971) and doctorate (1973) in economics, University of Economics, Budapest; Ministry of Foreign Trade (1973-1989); Deputy Minister, Head of Secretariat for International Economic Relations (1989-1990). Chief representative for Hungary, Austrian State Industries (1990-1995); Assistant Secretary of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry (1995-1996); Ambassador of Hungary in Bonn in 1996; Minister of Industry, Energy, Trade and Tourism (1996-1998); group representative for Hungary, DaimlerChrysler Corp. (1998-2002); member of the National Group of the IPU (2002-2004); Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2009: Chairman of the Budgetary Control Committee (2004-2006); Quaestor, Member of the Bureau of the EP (2006-2009); member of the Budgets Committee, the Budgetary Control Committee and the Delegation to the EU-Croatia JPC; First Vice-President of the European Energy Forum; chairman or member of the board of several civil organisations (Hungary in Europe, Economy, European Dialogue, Hungarian Council of the European Movement, Hungarian Car-Importers Association); awarded titles of the Commander's Cross with the Star of the Order of Merit of Hungary, the Cross of Merit on the Ribbon of Austria and the Great Cross of Merit of Germany; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2010 to 31 August 2017: member of Chamber II "Structural policies, transport and energy" (2010-2012); member of Chamber III "External actions" (2012) and alternate member of the Administrative Committee. Died on 31 March 2020.
  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2010

    Josef BONNICI

    Josef BONNICI

    Born in Birzebbuga on 15 April 1953; Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Arts from Simon Fraser University, Canada; Doctor of Humanities Honoris Causa, Rikkyo University, Japan; Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics, University of Malta; Professor of Economics. Lectured at Deakin University, Australia, from 1980 until 1988, and at the University of Malta from 1988 to 2004; economic advisor to the Prime Minister of Malta in the field of economic policy, including income tax reform (1988); Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, with duties relating to economic policy (1994); Minister for Economic Services, with responsibilities including economic development policy, the national statistics office, competition policy and government investments including the electricity, water and telecom companies, the national airline, Malta Shipyards, Malta International Airport and the Freeport (1995); member of the Public Accounts Committee, the Foreign and European Affairs Committee and the Malta-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee; also represented Malta in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1992); Member of the House of Representatives of Malta in 1992, 1996, 1998 and 2003; Observer Member of the European Parliament, where he took part in meetings of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee and of the Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism Committee (2003); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2010: assigned to Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy" (2004); Member responsible for the Court's Statement of Assurance (DAS) in the CEAD Group (Coordination, communication, evaluation, assurance, development) (2006); Dean of the CEAD Group (2008); appointed Governor of the Central Bank of Malta on 1 July 2011.
  • 07.05.2010 - 30.09.2016

    Louis GALEA

    Louis GALEA

    Born in Mqabba on 2 January 1948; graduated in law from the University of Malta; lawyer by profession; lectured on social and labour law in the Department of Public Law at the University of Malta (1999); awarded honours by the Kingdom of Spain, and the Republics of France, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Elected to the Maltese Parliament (1976); General Secretary of the Partit Nazzjonalista (1977); various ministerial responsibilities including social development, health, education, employment, home affairs (including national security and correctional facilities), culture and the arts, and policy areas relating to women, family, children and special needs (1987); in the course of Malta's negotiations to join the EU, served as co-chair of the Malta-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee (1998); unanimously elected Speaker of Parliament (2008); supported different parliamentary committees (Public Accounts, National Audit Office and Ombudsman); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2010 to 30 September 2016: assigned to Chamber IV with responsibility for preparing annual and special reports concerning financial and performance audit in different EU budget policy areas - revenue, administrative expenditure of EU Institutions and bodies, research and internal policies, and financial and economic governance; reporting Member for the institutions' administrative expenditure and for the European Schools (2010); Member of the Administrative Committee; reporting Member for the EU Agencies and Joint Undertakings; Dean of Chamber IV (2012).
  • 01.10.2016 – 30.09.2022



    Born in Cospicua on 26 September 1949. Qualified as an Associate and later elected Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers (now called the Institute of Financial Services) in London. Worked at Barclays Bank DCO, Mid-Med Bank Ltd and HSBC Bank Malta plc (1966-2006). Head of HSBC Bank Malta plc’s Corporate Research, Corporate Strategy Department (1998-2006). Management consultant on internal financial controls and compliance (2007-2013). International Secretary of the Maltese Labour Party and the party’s representative to the Socialist International (1982-1997). Elected to the Maltese Parliament in 1982. Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister (1986-1987). Member of the pre-accession Malta-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee (1992-2004). Member of the Public Accounts Committee (1995-1996). Minister for Commerce (1996-1997); Minister for Finance and Commerce (1997-1998). Chair of the Public Accounts Committee (1998-2003); Chair of the National Audit Office Accounts Committee (1999-2003). Member of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee (2003-2013); Member of the Environment and Development Committee (2010-2013). Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change (2013-2016). Served as a Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2022. Received an honorary award from St Julian’s Local Council in recognition of service to the community in 2019.
  • 18.10.1977 - 31.12.1995



    Born in Voorburg on 13 December 1931; degree in economic sciences from the University of Amsterdam (1957); member of the Dutch Central Planning Bureau (1958); Deputy Head of the Central Planning Bureau (1966); lecturer at the International Institute of Social Studies (1960). Director-General for the Budget, Ministry of Finance; member/vice-chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the European Communities (1969); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 31 December 1995: audit of expenditure on energy, research and investment (1977); working methods and professional training; general rapporteur for the annual report (1981); European Regional Development Fund, European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, "Guidance" section; Integrated Mediterranean Programmes; coordination of the Structural Funds; President 1993-1995.
  • 01.01.1996 - 31.12.2010

    Maarten ENGWIRDA

    Maarten ENGWIRDA

    Born in Tilburg on 2 June 1943; master's degree in Law from the University of Groningen; post-graduate studies in international relations in The Hague; adviser to the Head of the Financial and Economic Cooperation and Development Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1968). Member of the Dutch Parliament (1970); Member of the European Parliament (1971); adviser to the International Energy Agency (1975); Member of the Dutch Parliament; Vice-President, Treasurer and head of the Democraten 66 party; member of several parliamentary committees of enquiry and chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control; Acting Member of the North Atlantic Assembly and spokesman for its Economic Committee (1977); Member of the Board of the Netherlands Court of Audit, rapporteur for audits on EU funds and chair of the INTOSAI working group on environmental audits (1990); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2010: responsible for financial audit, direct expenditure, general matters and risk analysis, EAGGF-Guarantee sector (1996); responsible for the audit of EU budgetary expenditure in favour of the Central and Eastern European Countries and Commonwealth of Independent States (2000); responsible for Audit Group III "External actions" (2004); Dean of Group III (2006); member of Chamber III "External actions" (2010) and chair of the INTOSAI Working Group on Accountability for and the Audit of Disaster-related Aid (2010); member of the CEAD Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance and development" and alternate member of the Administrative Committee Coordination.
  • 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013

    Gijs DE VRIES

    Gijs DE VRIES

    Born in New York on 22 February 1956; graduate in Law/Political Science from the University of Leiden (1981); Post-doctoral Summer School, European University Institute, Florence (1981); lecturer, Political Science Department, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden (1981). Member of the European Parliament (1984); Georgetown Leadership Seminar, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC (1993); Chairman of the Liberal and Democratic Group in the European Parliament (1994); State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations (1998); member of the Second Chamber; Dutch Government representative at the Convention on the Future of the European Union (European Convention) (2002); ambassador, special assignment (2004); European Union Counter-Terrorism Coordinator (2004); Senior Fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations (Clingendael) (2007); Vice-President of the Netherlands Court of Audit (2008); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013; member of Chamber III "External actions"; alternate member of the Administrative Committee (2011); Member representing Chamber III in the CEAD Chamber (2012); chair of the INTOSAI Working Group on Accountability for and the Audit of Disaster-related Aid (2010).
  • 01.01.2014 - 14.04.2022



    Born in Amsterdam on 29 June 1951. Graduated in Law from the University of Groningen; doctorate from the University of Tilburg for his thesis on access to the courts and the importance of judicial independence in states based on the rule of law (1987). Professor of Law at Radboud University (1976-1980), University of Tilburg (1980-1984) and University of Amsterdam (1992-1996). Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law at University of Leiden (1996-2005). Honorary Professor of Law at Utrecht University (2014-2022). Vice-President of the Administrative Court in Arnhem (1984-1988). Judge and Vice-President of the Administrative High Court (court of appeal in civil service and social security cases) (1988-2002). Judge in the inland revenue division of the ’s-Hertogenbosch Court of Appeal (1999-2005). National Ombudsman of the Netherlands (2005-2017); carried out much systemic research into the functioning of the public sector in the Netherlands. President of the European Board of Directors of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Member of the IOI World Board. Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau. Joined the European Court of Auditors as a Member in Chamber IV – Regulation of Markets and the Competitive Economy (2014). Member of specialised financial irregularities panel (2014-2016); member of editorial board of ECA Journal (2014-2016); patron of the ECA Clear Language Award (2014-2021); member and chair of the ECA Strategy Working Group (2016-2017 and 2018-2020); member of Digital Steering Committee (2019-2021); member of Administrative Committee (2019-2021); Dean of Chamber IV (2019-2021). Died on 14 April 2022.
  • 01.03.1995 - 31.03.2011

    Hubert WEBER

    Hubert WEBER

    Born in Vienna on 29 December 1939; Doctor of Law, University of Vienna; Civil servant, and subsequently Deputy Director, dealing with employment policy at the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs (1959); Auditor at the Austrian Court of Audit. Work on audits of the Chancellor's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice (1970); Head of the Private Office of the President of the Austrian Court of Audit and Head of the organisational unit responsible for INTOSAI's General Secretariat (1975); Head of Personnel (organisation, budgetary and personnel matters, and training) (1981); Director-General of the Public Enterprise Audit Division, responsible for monitoring international developments in the field of INTOSAI and its regional organisations (AFROSAI, ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS and SPASAI) and for cooperation on United Nations projects in the financial audit field. Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 1995 to 31 March 2011; Responsible for the ADAR sector; President of the Court (2005-2008).
  • 01.04.2011 - 28.02.2014



    Born in Vienna on 27 July 1953; Studied law and economics (1971); Graduated in law (Magisterium and Doktorat); Studied political science in France (1974); Entrance examinations for the academic legal service of the Federal Government and for the higher audit service (1975). Employed at the Austrian Court of Audit (1974); Auditor at the Court of Audit, responsible for auditing Austria's social security bodies (1974); Assigned to the Austrian Parliament and subsequently to the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) parliamentary group, responsible, inter alia, for committees on the Court of Audit, employment and social affairs, health, foreign affairs, science, economic affairs, constitutional affairs, industry and the Ombudsman Board; Political Director of the ÖVP parliamentary group (1992); Senior administrator (Ministerialrat) at the Austrian Court of Audit (1995); Director (Parlamentsrat) at the Parliament (1999); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 April 2011 to 28 February 2014, first in Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources" and then in Chamber II "Structural policies, transport and energy" (2012).
  • 01.03.2014 - 31.07.2020

    Oskar HERICS

    Oskar HERICS

    Born in Schandorf, Austria, on 16 February 1958; Law studies at the University of Vienna and award of Magister iuris (1982); Practical training in judicial and legal work at the Vienna District Criminal Court (1982); National service in the Austrian Army (1982-83); Post Office and Telephony Services Administration (Auditing) (1983). Auditor in the Energy Department at the Austrian Court of Audit (1991); Member of the Internal Audit Service of the Austrian Court of Audit (1995 - 2001); Senior Auditor in the Transport and Railways Department at the Austrian Court of Audit (1996); Senior Auditor and Deputy Head in the Research Department at the Austrian Court of Audit (1998); Head of the Department for Banking and Debt Management at the Austrian Court of Audit (2003); Expert representing the Austrian Court of Audit on the Committee on State Indebtedness (2006-2013); Representative of the Austrian Court of Audit on the Standing Committee on the Estimates and Accounts of Local Authorities - VR Committee (2007-2009); Deputy Head of Section 4 (Finance and Sustainability) at the Austrian Court of Audit (2008); Head of Section 5 (Finance and Economy) at the Austrian Court of Audit (2011); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1.3.2014 to 31.7.2020: Chamber II "Investment for Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion"; Member of the Audit Quality Control Committee (2017-2019); Member and Chair of the Ethics Committee (2016-2020).
  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2010



    Born in Nowa Ruda on 4 July 1950; PhD and Master of Science from Wrocław University of Technology; Member of the Polish Parliament; rapporteur on the draft of the Act on the Supreme Chamber of Control (SCC; Najwyższa Izba Kontroli), one aim of which was to bring the Polish external audit system into line with European and INTOSAI standards. Polish Delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1993); member of the Commission on Commerce and Development, and member of the Council of European Observatory Teams during the elections in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Belarus (1994); Vice-President of Poland's Supreme Chamber of Control (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli); responsible for implementing new audit methodologies and extending international cooperation, particularly with the European Court of Auditors and the SIGMA programme; INTOSAI activities, particularly its Working Group on the Audit of Privatisation; SCC representative to the INTOSAI Permanent Committee for IT Audit (1995); member for Poland of a working group on anticorruption strategy at the World Bank Agency in Warsaw (2000); General Inspector of Financial Information (state body for counteracting money laundering) in the Ministry of Finance); supervised the department of games of chance and betting in the Ministry of Finance; responsible for local government financing and fundamental reforms of public finance and decentralisation of public power (2001); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2010; assigned to Audit Group III "External actions"; member of the CEAD Group (Coordination, Communication, Evaluation, Assurance and Development (2006); alternate member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2008).
  • 07.05.2010 - 06.05.2016

    Augustyn KUBIK

    Augustyn KUBIK

    Born in Rydułtowy in 1957; Master's degree in socioeconomics (Industry Faculty of the Academy of Economics, Katowice) (1976); reporter, supervisor and inspector for business audit at Rydułtowy Hard Coal Mine (1980). Senior inspector for business audit at Rybnicko-Jastrzębskie Gwarectwo Węglowe (Coal Mining Consortium) in Jastrzębie Zdrój (1984); chief accountant at Borynia Hard Coal Mine in Jastrzębie Zdrój; specialisation in the underground exploitation of deposits (Faculty of Workers of the Technical College of Mining Engineering, Rybnik) (1986); director of the tax office in Katowice (1991); qualification as chartered accountant (1996); postgraduate diploma in tax law in the European Union (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń) (2001); chief internal audit inspector at the Polish Ministry of Finance (2002); tax adviser; certification as internal auditor obtained from the Polish Ministry of Finance (2003); general advisor at the Polish Ministry of Finance (2006); obtained Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) status; adviser to the President of the Polish Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli) (NIK) (2007); Under-Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Regional Development; obtained public auditor qualification from the Polish Supreme Audit Office (2008); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2010 to 6 May 2016; Member of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources"; Dean of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources"; member of the Administrative Committee (2015).
  • 07.05.2016 - 30.11.2019



    Born in 1954; Master's degree in law, graduated from the University of Łódź, Department of Law and Administration (1977). Judge in a regional court, a provincial court and the Polish Court of Appeal (1980-1993); seconded to the Polish Supreme Court (1990-1991). Member of the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland (1990-1993); Judge at the Tribunal of State (1991-1993); Member of the Sejm - the lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament (1993-1995); President of the Polish Supreme Audit Office - NIK (1995-2001); Deputy Speaker of the Sejm (2001-2004); Member of the European Parliament for three terms (2004-2016); Member of the European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals since his first term in 2004, and Chair of the Intergroup since 2014. Five-time author and co-author of commentary on the Polish Penal Code; author of more than 100 articles and publications on criminal law in various legal journals in Poland and author of articles on socio-legal issues. Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2016 to 30 November 2019: assigned to Chamber I "Sustainable use of natural resources"; Member of the Audit Quality Control Committee from 14 June 2018. Appointed as EU Commissioner responsible for the agriculture portfolio as from 1 December 2019 for a five-year term.
  • 27.01.1986 - 09.02.1994

    Carlos MORENO

    Carlos MORENO

    Born in Lisbon on 30 March 1941; degree in law from the University of Coimbra (1964); technical inspector at the Inspectorate-General for Loans and Insurance (1966); lecturer at the Higher Institute of Economics (1973); legal auditor in the Legal Service Directorate of the Inspectorate-General for Loans and Insurance (1974). Technical adviser to the Minister of Finance and the Secretary of State for the Treasury and Finance ("Banks and public companies" sector) (1976); legal adviser in the Secretariat-General of the Ministry of Finance and Planning; chairman of the supervisory committee of Banco Nacional Ultramarino (1977); senior inspector at the Directorate-General of the Treasury; Director-General of the Portuguese Court of Auditors; legal rapporteur of the working group responsible for preparing the draft version of the investment support system; member of the Committee to Coordinate Action to Combat Tax Evasion and Fraud (1980); Member of the Court of Auditors from 27 January 1986 to 9 February 1994. Died on 8 April 2024.
  • 10.02.1994 - 29.02.2000

    Armindo de Jesus de SOUSA RIBEIRO

    Armindo de Jesus de SOUSA RIBEIRO

    Born in Viana do Castelo on 9 March 1948; degree in accountancy from Porto Accounting and Business School; degree in economics from the University of Porto; master's degree in management from the University of Lisbon; auditor (1979). Deputy Inspector-General responsible for company inspections and Community audits at the Inspectorate-General of Finance (1974); auditor-general of the securities market then Director-General of the Office for the Analysis of State and Public Enterprise Financing (1988); chairman of the management board of the Financial Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Development Support (1990); head of the "Advice, audit" department at the Inspectorate-General of Finance (1992); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 10 February 1994 to 29 February 2000; responsible for the EAGGF-Guarantee sector: common organisations of the markets in the animal products and sugar sectors, common policy on fisheries and the sea, and measures in the veterinary field; responsible for auditing the ECSC, borrowing and lending activities, and banking activities (1996).
  • 01.03.2000 - 30.09.2016

    Vítor Manuel da SILVA CALDEIRA

    Vítor Manuel da SILVA CALDEIRA

    Born in Campo Maior on 2 January 1960; degree in law from the Universidade Clássica, Lisbon; post-graduate degree in European Studies, European Institute of the Faculty of Law, Universidade Clássica, Lisbon. Taught at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Clássica, Lisbon (1983). Taught at the Higher Institute of New Professions (1996). Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2000 to 30 September 2016: responsible for auditing the EU's banking activities, including the European Central Bank, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Schools, the decentralised bodies and the Euratom Supply Agency (2000); responsible for the Court's Statement of Assurance (DAS) in the following areas: reliability of the accounts and legality and regularity of the underlying transactions in the various revenue and expenditure areas of the EU budget, reform of the Commission's internal control system, and modernisation of the EU accounting system; rapporteur for the Court's opinion on the single audit model and proposal for an EU internal control framework (2002); Dean of the Court's Audit Group responsible for coordinating financial audit, audit methodologies and quality control (CEAD Group); member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2005); responsible for the Audit Development and Reports (ADAR) division, in particular, quality control of the Court's audit reports and implementation of audit methodologies (2006); rapporteur for the Performance Audit Manual adopted by the Court in 2007; President of the European Court of Auditors (2008-2016); auditor of EUROSAI (2008); member of the Governing Board of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) (2011); responsible for overseeing the Court's work, relations with the institutions of the European Union, relations with the Supreme Audit Institutions and international audit organisations, legal matters and internal audit; during his first term, promoted and managed reform of the Court's structure and decision-making process by introducing a system of chambers with a view to optimising management of the Court, thus making it more efficient and effective; during his second term, led the institution in a period during which the Court's audit reports and opinions on financial legislation assumed even greater importance because of the financial crisis and the urgent need to help ensure better management of EU funds; became President of the Portuguese Court of Auditors on 3 October 2016.
  • 01.10.2016 - 29.06.2021



    Born in Angola on 12 May 1955. Degree in Law, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Portugal (1978). He dedicated his long career to public service, specialising in the areas of public deontology and ethics, the efficiency and legality of public administration acts, financial control and audit. Member of the European Court of Auditors (2016-2021); Judge at the Tribunal de Contas of Portugal (2008-2016); Secretary of State for Public Administration, Ministry of Finance (2005-2008); Auditor Coordinator at the Tribunal de Contas of Portugal (2003-2005), and other high-level positions in different ministries. Died on 29 June 2021.
  • 01.01.2007 - 30.06.2013

    Ovidiu ISPIR

    Ovidiu ISPIR

    Born in Horodniceni in 1951; bachelor's degree in economics from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty for Economic Studies; doctorate in accounting from the Academy for Economic Studies, Faculty of Accounting and IT Management, Bucharest; economist at the OJT (Regional Travel Office) of Prahova, Sinaia (1974). Economist, head of office, head of department and deputy general manager in charge of economic and financial issues at the Youth Travel Office (BTT) in Bucharest (1979); vice-president in charge of economic and financial issues at Group Management SA (1994); adviser to the Romanian Minister of Finance (1997); Counsellor of Accounts at the Romanian Court of Accounts in Bucharest: coordinated the activities of various audit divisions in charge of auditing the State annual general budget implementation account, the annual general implementation account for Romania's public debt, and the implementation of local public authority budgets; also responsible for the audit of the pre-accession funds granted to Romania (ISPA and SAPARD) (1999); expert in the Chamber of Deputies parliamentary group that initiated legislative proposals in March 2005 on the enhancement of legislation relating to the Romanian Court of Accounts; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2007 to 30 June 2013: assigned to Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; member of Chamber II "Structural policies, transport and energy" and alternate member of the CEAD Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance and development".
  • 01.07.2013 - 30.06.2019

    George PUFAN

    George PUFAN

    Born in Bucharest in 1958; Graduate in Civil Engineering from the University of Bucharest (graduated 1984); Alumnus of National Defence College (graduated 1999); Master's degree in International Relations and European Integration from the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (graduated 2005); Post-graduate specialisation course in International Relations practices and Euro-Atlantic Studies (graduated 2007); B.A. from Faculty of Economic Sciences and Accounting, Danubius University Galati (graduated 2011). Engineer for Glass and Fine Ceramics Enterprise (until 1992); Site Manager of the Carpati Construction Holding (until 1994); Director of the Romanian Court of Accounts (until 2000); Advisor to the Mayor (first district City Hall) (until 2002); Secretary-General of the Romanian Court of Accounts (until 2013). 1 July 2013 - became a Member of the European Court of Auditors, and was appointed to Chamber IV - Revenue- research and internal policies, and institutions and bodies of the European Union.
  • 07.05.2004 – 06.05.2010

    Vojko Anton ANTONČIČ

    Vojko Anton ANTONČIČ

    Born in Temnica in 1946; degree in social sciences from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; doctorate (PhD) in social sciences from the University of Zagreb, Croatia; head of the University of Ljubljana's Institute of Social Sciences, a multidisciplinary body with several research units conducting both basic and applied social research (1991). First President of the Court of Audit (Računsko sodišče) of the Republic of Slovenia (1994); drafted a new audit law (2001); member of the EUROSAI governing board (1999); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2010: member of Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; member of the CEAD Group (Coordination, Communication, Evaluation, Assurance, Development) (2006); alternate member of the Court's Administrative Committee.
  • 07.05.2010 - 06.05.2016

    Milan Martin CVIKL

    Milan Martin CVIKL

    Born in Velenje on 19 May 1959; degree in economics (1983); Master's degree from the Faculty of Economies of the University of Ljubljana (1990); analyst, senior analyst and assistant to the Director at the Bank of Slovenia (Banka Slovenije) (1983). Economist for the World Bank in Washington D.C., USA (1991); economist, on external leave of absence from the World Bank, in Slovenia (1997); State Secretary for the Budget and Public Finances at the Ministry of Finance, responsible for the introduction of public finance reforms in Slovenia in preparation for Slovenia joining the European Union (1998); Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer at Nova Ljubljanska Banka dd, Ljubljana (2000); Minister without portfolio responsible for European Affairs (2004); Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and chairman of the parliamentary Committee on Public Finance Control (2004); Secretary-General of the Slovenian Government (2008); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2010 to 6 May 2016: member of Chamber IV "Revenue, Research and internal policies, and Institutions and bodies of the European Union"; Member representing Chamber IV in the CEAD Chamber (2012); Dean of Chamber IV (2014).
  • 07.05.2016 - 06.05.2022

    Samo JEREB

    Samo JEREB

    Born in Ljubljana on 24 February 1972; degree in Economics from the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana (1995); External Auditor, Consultant, Certified External Auditor at LM Veritas d.o.o., Ljubljana (1995-2004); Supreme State Auditor at the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia (2004-2013) responsible for audits of privatisations, public utilities, public agencies and funds, and for environmental audits; Deputy President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia (2013 2016); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2016 to 6 May 2022: Member of Chamber I “Sustainable use of natural resources” and Dean of Chamber I (2020-22); Member of the Administrative Committee (2020-2022); Member of the Internal Audit Committee (2017-2020) and Chair of the Internal Audit Committee (2018-2020); Member of the Audit Quality Control Committee (2016-2018).
  • 07.05.2004 - 06.05.2010

    Július MOLNÁR

    Július MOLNÁR

    Born in Vranov in 1945; Master of Science from the Faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava; responsible for international relations between universities in Slovakia and in Africa, Asia and Latin America at the Slovak Ministry of Education; secretary of the Committee of Friendship for cooperation with international student unions in Slovak universities (1969). Official in the Central Committee of the Slovak Union of Antifascist Combatants (1974); administrator responsible for relations with (specialised) inter-governmental organisations (WHO, ILO and UNESCO) at the Ministry of Education; Member of Czechoslovak delegations at bilateral and multilateral negotiations with UNESCO and several Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education (1978); Director-General of the Institute for Language and Academic Preparation for Foreign Students, responsible for management, budget, teaching processes, recruitment of foreign students and internal audit; Head of the Department for Advanced Studies and Foreign Relations at the Academia Istropolitana in Bratislava (1991); Director-General of the Centre for International Relations at the Ministry of Education (1999); Director of the Department for European Cooperation and International Relations at the Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia, responsible for international relations in the field of audit, and cooperation with international organisations (INTOSAI, EUROSAI, NASACT, AISCUF and the ECA). Representative of the Slovak Audit Office on the Working Committee of the Slovak Government's Ministerial Council for European Integration, and coordinator of the Acquis communautaire department during the EU accession procedure (1997-1999 and 2001-2004); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 7 May 2004 to 6 May 2010, assigned to Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources".
  • 07.05.2010 - 15.10.2023

    Ladislav BALKO

    Ladislav BALKO

    Born in Slepčany, Slovakia in 1954, Mr Balko has a doctorate in law and is an associate professor of financial and commercial law. He worked as a journalist at Czechoslovak Radio (1980-1990) before becoming Chief Lawyer at the Customs Directorate of the Slovak Republic (1990-1991). He then worked in various managerial positions, including as Deputy Director-General of Slovakia’s largest commercial bank, Všeobecná úverová banka (1991-1999); Vice-Governor and member of the Board at the Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic (2001-2004); Chief Executive Officer of the Slovak government agency for Investment and Trade Development, SARIO (2004-2006); and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the state-owned Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank, SZRB (2006-2010). Mr Balko worked as a university lecturer and later became Head of the Financial Law Department of the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava, before becoming a Member of the European Court of Auditors on 7 May 2010. Until 30 January 2014, Mr Balko was responsible for DAS and performance audit (research and other internal policies) as a Member in Chamber IV. From April 2012, he represented Chamber IV as an alternate in the CEAD Chamber, and from 1 February 2013 he was the alternate for Chamber IV on the Administrative Committee. Mr Balko also served on the Internal Audit Committee from 12 February 2012 and was Committee Chairperson from 24 April 2013 to 28 February 2014. In February 2014, he moved to Chamber II as Member responsible for structural policies, transport and energy, and became the rapporteur for Chapter 6 of the Annual Report, “Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion”. He was also responsible for DAS audit and for several performance audits in the same field and represented Chamber II in the CEAD Chamber and AQCC. Mr Balko served on the Strategy and Foresight Advisory Panel from 2019 to 2022, and from January 2022 was a Member in Chamber V, “Financing and administering the Union”.
  • 01.03.1995 - 28.02.2006

    Aunus SALMI

    Aunus SALMI

    Born in Kiuruvesi on 22 February 1942; Master of Business Administration, Helsinki School of Advanced Business Studies (1967); accountant (1976); head of project, Otto Wuorio Oy, France (1967); head of exports, Asko SA, Belgium (1970). Commercial Secretary at the Finnish embassy in Belgium (1971); partner at SVH/Coopers & Lybrand Helsinki (1973-1995); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 1995 to 28 February 2006; responsible for the "ECSC, loans and borrowings, banking activities" sector (1995); responsible for the "Operating expenditure of the Community Institutions, the Publications Office, external offices and delegations, European schools, subsidies, satellite bodies (with the exception of the Thessaloniki Centre and the Dublin Foundation), and the Euratom Supply Agency" sector; Board of the European Development Bank; independent accountant (2006). Died on 23 August 2023.
  • 01.03.2006 - 29.02.2012



    Born in Loimaa on 2 August 1949; Master of Economic Sciences; Authorised Public Accountant (KHT); 30 years' experience of managing and supervising public and private finances; taught accounting and law at Loimaa Commercial College (1974) and Turku School of Economics (1989). Partner in an authorised auditing company from 1995 to 2005, acting as part-time auditor; Member of Parliament in Finland (1991) - numerous areas of parliamentary work: Chairman of the State Budget and Budgetary Control Committee, member of the Tax Section and the Transport Section, and member of the Speaker's Council (2003); one of the Auditors to the Bank of Finland and then Chairman of the Auditors; substitute state auditor (1992); member of the parliamentary board of trustees of the Bank of Finland (1993); second substitute member (1993) then first substitute member (1993-1999) of the limited board of trustees of the Bank of Finland; Chairman of Parliament's Bank Board for the Bank of Finland and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the State Finance Audit Office; member of the Supervisory Committee of the Nordic Countries' Investment Bank (2003); member (1993) then Chairman (2003) of the Governing Board of the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development; member (1982) then head (2000) of Loimaa local council; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2006 to 28 February 2012: responsible for Audit Group I "Preservation and management of natural resources" and Member of the CEAD Group (Coordination, communication, evaluation, assurance, development) (2006); Member of Chamber I "Preservation and management of natural resources" and alternate member of the Administrative Committee (2010). Partner and Chairman of the Board of Directors, BDO Oy (2012); Senior Adviser, BDO Oy, Finland.
  • 01.03.2012 - 28.02.2018

    Ville ITÄLÄ

    Ville ITÄLÄ

    Born on 10 May 1959 in Luumäki; Masters in Law (1989); Varatuomari (Master in law, trained on the bench) (1991); qualifying exam for a career as a lawyer in 1995. Member of the European Parliament (2004-2012): Vice-President of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and of the European Democrats (2004-2006). Member of the Committee on Budgets (2004-2009); deputy coordinator and member of the Committee on Budgetary Control (2009-2012); member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism and a substitute member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. In the Finnish Parliament: Chairperson of the Grand Committee (2003-2004); auditor at the Bank of Finland (1996-2000); member of the committee on constitutional matters (1995-2000), which he chaired between 1996 and 2000; member of the transport committee (1995-1996). In the Finnish Government: Home Affairs Minister (in Lipponen's second cabinet) from 2000-2003; President of the National Coalition Party (2001-2004). Principal elector of the President of Finland (1988); Chairperson of the Executive Bureau of the city of Turku from 1993 to 1995. Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2012 to 28 February 2018.
  • 01.03.2018 - 31.05.2024

    Hannu TAKKULA

    Hannu TAKKULA

    Dr Hannu Takkula served as the Finnish Member of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) from 1 March 2018 to 31 May 2024. Throughout his mandate at the Court, Dr Takkula was a member of Chamber lll, which is responsible for EU spending on external action, security and justice. Dr Takkula was the reporting member on various audit topics, such as EU support to Morocco, humanitarian aid for education and the programming of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI). One of his most recent audit reports related to the Global Climate Change Alliance. He also chaired the ECA’s Internal Audit Committee. Prior to joining the ECA, Dr Takkula served for many years as a Member of the European Parliament (2004-2018) and of the national Parliament of Finland (1995-2004). In the European Parliament, Dr Takkula‘s work focused mainly on the areas of international trade, agriculture and rural development, education and culture. Dr Takkula holds a Doctorate Degree in Education from the University of Lapland.
  • 01.03.1995 - 31.12.2001



    Born in Stockholm on 1 June 1939; graduate of the University of Stockholm, Sweden (Economics, Political Sciences and History); Assistant Secretary and then First Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture (1962); policy adviser to the Prime Minister's Office (1968). Secretary to the member of the town council responsible for the finances of the city of Stockholm (1973); assistant secretary to the Nordic Council Presidium (1977); Secretary of State responsible for cooperation between Scandinavian countries and Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance; chairman of the Committee on Large Towns (1988); adviser and coordinator at the Prime Minister's Office (1990); personal representative of the Prime Minister in the concerted reappraisal of cooperation between the Nordic countries in anticipation of Sweden's accession to the European Economic Area and to the EU (1990); negotiator and adviser on economic, financial and budgetary matters to the Secretariat of the Social Democratic Group in the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) (1992); Director-General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1994); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 1995 to 31 December 2001: responsible for the "Cooperation with developing countries and non-Member States (General Budget of the European Union)" sector; President of the European Court of Auditors (1999-2001). Died on 19 September 2016.
  • 01.01.2002 - 28.02.2006



    Born in Gothenburg in 1938; Doctor of Philosophy (Political Science) from the University of Gothenburg (1973); President of the National Union of Students (1964); employed by the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (1965). Secretary-General of the Swedish Moderate Party (1974); Member of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag), member of the Standing Committee on Finance, member of the Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs, deputy chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs (1994); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2002 to 28 February 2006.
  • 01.03.2006 - 09.06.2011



    Born in Stockholm on 13 September 1950; researcher and lecturer in economics at the Stockholm School of Economics, covering fields of research such as development economics, structural change and labour market economics (1972); secretary of the Association of Swedish Economists (1981). Under-Secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Finance, and Head of Division for medium- and long-term economic policy issues (1985); Under-Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Swedish Ministry of Finance; chief economist at Svenska Handelsbanken (Head of Market Research) (1992); Deputy Governor of the Swedish Central Bank (Sveriges Riksbank), responsible for monetary policy (1995); Governor of the Swedish Central Bank (2003); several board positions in government agencies, companies and universities; represented Sweden in international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Monetary Committee (later, the Economic and Financial Committee) of the EU and the European Central Bank (ECB); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 March 2006 to 9 June 2011: member of Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy"; Member responsible for Communication in the CEAD Group (Coordination, communication, evaluation, assurance, development) (2006); member of the Court's Administrative Committee (2007); member of Chamber III "External Actions" and alternate member of the CEAD Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance, development" (2010); Member representing Chamber III in the CEAD Chamber (2011).
  • 10.06.2011 - 28.02.2018

    Hans Gustaf WESSBERG

    Hans Gustaf WESSBERG

    Born in Gothenburg on 26 April 1952; graduated in political sciences, history and communication from the University of Gothenburg; Secretary of State, Prime Minister's Office (2007-2010); Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007); Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (2006-2007). Director-General of the Swedish Companies Registration Office (2004-2006); Deputy Director-General of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprises (2001-2004); Chief Information Officer, Acting Director-General, Deputy Director-General and Director-General of the Federation of Swedish Industry (1991-2001); Chief Information Officer at SIAB (construction company) (1990-1991); press attaché, press officer, then information officer for the Swedish military, and spokesperson for the commander-in-chief of the Swedish army (1982-1990); President of the Swedish Students' Union (SFS) (1980-1982); member of the government committee for interoperability (E-nämden) and member of the management board of the national agency for services to higher education institutions (2005-2006); president of the central Society and Defence federation; member of the industrial relations board for the Swedish crisis preparation agency and member of the business advisory council for the commander-in-chief of the army (2003-2004); Stockholm branch president of the Moderate Party (1997-2003); substitute member of the Executive Board of the Riksbank (1998-2002); member of the management board of Birka Energi (1999-2002); President of the Svenska Bostäder (1999-2001); director of Locum AB (1999-2001); member of the War Sciences Academy and member of the management board of Sveriges Radio (Swedish radio) (1996-1998). Member of the European Court of Auditors from 10 June 2011 to 28 February 2018. Died 29 March 2018.
  • 01.03.2018 - 31.05.2024



    Eva Lindström was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1957. She holds a BA in economics, business economics, statistics and economic history from Stockholm University. She was Director of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance (1994–1997); Budget Director at the Ministry of Finance (1997–2003); Auditor-General of the Swedish National Audit Office (2003–2010); Inquiry Chair, Inquiry on ownership requirements for enterprises in the welfare sector (2013–2014); and State Secretary at the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation (2014– 2018). From March 2018, Ms Lindström was a Member of the European Court of Auditors in Chamber V, Chamber I and Chamber II. She also served as ECA Member for Interinstitutional Relations (MIR), responsible for facilitating the ECA’s interactions with its stakeholders. In addition, she was a member of the ECA Art Panel. As part of her other activities, Ms Lindström was a Member of the Governing Board, Svenska Spel AB (1998–2003); Member of the Advisory Council, Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) (2011-2012); Deputy Chair, Swedish Fiscal Policy Council (2011–2014); Chair of the Governing Board, Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis (2011–2014); Member of the Governing Board, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) (2011–2014); Chair of the Control Committee, Nordic Investment Bank (2012–2014); and Deputy Chair of the Governing Board, Swedish Transport Administration (2013–2014).
  • 18.10.1977 - 17.10.1983

    Norman PRICE

    Norman PRICE

    Born in January 1915; studied at Plaistow Grammar School; executive and supervisory duties at HM Customs and Excise (1933); tax inspector (1939); Secretary at the Inland Revenue (1951); Board of Inland Revenue (1965). Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue (1973); Member of the Court of Auditors from 18 October 1977 to 17 October 1983. Died on 19 February 2007.
  • 18.10.1983 - 31.12.1992

    John CAREY

    John CAREY

    Born on 11 November 1933 in Rugby, Warwickshire; graduated in classics, ancient history, and ancient and modern philosophy from the University of Oxford; qualified interpreter of Russian; UK Treasury and Civil Service Department (1957). Seconded to the diplomatic service as an economic and financial adviser to the UK Permanent Representative to the European Communities in Brussels (1974); Secretary at the Treasury responsible for public and parliamentary scrutiny of expenditure (1978); responsible for overseas aid and trade matters, export credit and international debt problems in the Treasury's "Overseas" department (1982); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 18 October 1983 to 31 December 1992; responsible for agricultural expenditure (1983); member of the Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy by virtue of Regulation No 6 of 23 September 1988. Died on 8 August 2022.
  • 01.01.1993 - 31.12.2001

    John WIGGINS

    John WIGGINS

    Born in London in 1938; graduated in history and philosophy from the University of Oxford; master's degree in economics from Harvard University; worked on aspects of taxation, monetary policy and public spending control at the UK Treasury (1961-1979). Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1980-1981); Under-Secretary in charge of the Oil Division at the Ministry of Energy (1981-1984); worked in the Central Cabinet Secretariat (1985-1985); Under-Secretary then Deputy-Secretary at the Department of Education and Science, responsible for the supply, training and pay of teachers; Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 1993 to 31 December 2001: responsible for the "Social sector, industrial policies, Berlin Centre, Dublin Foundation, environment, Cohesion Fund (environmental aspect)" sector; responsible for the sector producing the statement of assurance (DAS); Dean of the DAS Group (1995).
  • 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2013

    David BOSTOCK

    David BOSTOCK

    Born in Cheltenham in 1948; Master of Science (Economics of Public Policy) from University College, London, and Bachelor of Arts (Modern History) from the University of Oxford; secondments to the office of the UK Permanent Representative to the EU as Second Secretary (Economics and Finance) and to the Economic Secretariat of the Cabinet Office (1971). Head of the Treasury's Agricultural Division (1984); Financial and Economic Counsellor in the office of the UK Permanent Representative to the EU (1985); head of the Treasury's European Union Group, Assistant Director and then Director of the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg (1990); UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU in Brussels (1995); chairman of COREPER I during the UK Presidency of the Council (1998); Head of the European Secretariat of the Cabinet Office (1999-2000); Visiting Fellow at the Centre for International Studies at the London School of Economics and Practitioner Fellow at the European Institute of the University of Sussex (2000); Member of the European Court of Auditors from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2013: responsible for the audit of agricultural policies: Statement of Assurance, clearance of accounts and export refunds; member of the CEAD Group (Coordination, evaluation, assurance, development); Member responsible for Audit Group I "Agricultural policies" (2004); assigned to Audit Group II "Structural policies, transport, research and energy" (2006); Dean (2008); Dean of the CEAD Chamber "Coordination, evaluation, assurance and development", responsible for Audit Quality and Support; member of the Administrative Committee (2010); member of Chamber III "External Actions" (2012). Died on 3 September 2016.
  • 01.01.2014 - 31.01.2020

    Phil WYNN OWEN

    Phil WYNN OWEN

    Born 1960; MBA from London Business School; Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School; and BA and MA (History) from University College, Oxford. Worked for over 18 years at HM Treasury, including two spells in private offices - as Assistant Private Secretary to the Chancellor (1984-86), and Principal Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury (1991-93); led the Transport, Tax and Budget, and Tax Policy teams of HM Treasury (1993-99); Director of the Regulatory Impact Unit in the Cabinet Office (1999-2003); Director for the Financial Sector, HM Treasury (2003-04); Director-General for Strategy and Pensions at the Department for Work and Pensions (2004-09); Deputy Chair and Non-Executive Director of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (2008-13); Director-General for National Climate Change and Consumer Support at the Department of Energy and Climate Change - DECC (2009-11); Director-General for International Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, DECC (2011-13); acting Permanent Secretary, DECC (Oct 2012-Jan 2013); Member of the European Court of Auditors from January 2014 to January 2020: as a Member, worked on the audit of EU Cohesion policy (2014-16) and on sustainable use of natural resources (2016-20); Dean of Chamber I (Sustainable Use of Natural Resources) (2016-18).