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Think Tank

Dokumenty, které pomáhají utvářet nové předpisy EU

Nejnovější zveřejněné dokumenty

Zveřejněno na 21-02-2025

Space technologies are playing an increasingly critical role in communications, defence and research. As more satellites are launched, there is a growing risk of collision, and of satellites becoming military targets. Satellite-debris collisions have the potential to destroy not just one or two but many satellites, preventing the use of those orbits for years. Although de-orbiting satellites at a faster pace may be a solution, orbital debris falling back to Earth can cause environmental harm. Europe ...

In September 2024, a Court of Justice (ECJ) judgment, rendered in appeal, concluded a 10-year State aid procedure on Ireland's past tax rulings relating to Apple. The ECJ judgment did not go as anticipated. In addition, the over €13 billion in aid to be recovered from Apple eclipsed the grounds for the decision, which derive from the specific historical structure of the business and national provisions.

Policy hub on Better law-making

Podrobná analýza 21-02-2025

These proceedings cover the Policy Hub on Better Law-Making in the European Union held on December 4, 2024. During the hub European academics indicated that European legislation is no longer fit for purpose and urgently needs modernisation. The experts recommended simplification of the structure and the drafting style of European legislation, citizen-centred approach to EU legislation, along with improving evidence base and digitisation. These proceedings are prepared by Policy Department for Justice ...

Zveřejněno na 20-02-2025

Český národní plán pro oživení a odolnost (NRRP) měl v rámci Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost (RRF) počáteční hodnotu ve výši 7 036 milionů EUR, a to pouze ve formě grantů. V červnu 2022 byl původní grantový příděl Česka revidován a zvýšen na 7 673,7 milionu EUR (+ 9,1 %). V červnu 2023 předložilo Česko žádost o změnu svého národního plánu pro oživení a odolnost. Tento pozměněný plán má celkovou hodnotu 9 231,3 milionu EUR. Jeho součástí je nyní nová kapitola REPowerEU, která nabízí další grantové ...

According to Directive 2008/115/EC (the Return Directive, RD), third-country nationals (TCNs) staying illegally on the territory of a Member State should, as a general rule, be issued a return decision obliging them to leave the EU. However, available data suggest that among those who receive such a decision, only about a quarter actually leave the EU (see Figure 1). Data on irregular migration, as well as returns statistics, should be used carefully, as they are often incomplete, inconsistent and ...

Chystané akce

Tanzanian flag
Jiné události DEVE

7 Committee on Development MEPs, led by chair Barry Andrews, will travel to Tanzania to gather first-hand information on Global Gateway initiatives and other development cooperation projects on the ground and to assess their impact on the local economy and population.

US Capitol in Washington, DC © Belga/AFP/K.Bleier
Jiné události IMCO

Between 24 and 28 February 2025, IMCO Members are going to visit Washington DC. The main aim of this visit is to strengthen the transatlantic cooperation on key policy IMCO areas while obtaining feedback from U.S. stakeholders on the implementation and impact of major EU legislation, including the Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA), EU AI Act, Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), Data Act, and Political Advertising Regulation.

FISC Mission to Finland and Estonia
Jiné události FISC

Members of the FISC Subcommittee will travel to Helsinki (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia) from 25 to 27 February 2025. The delegation, led by second Vice-Chair Ms. Regina Doherty, will meet with representatives of key institutions, such as the Ministries of Finances and national parliaments, and stakeholders from the private sector, trade unions, and civil society.

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