Trainings at Frontex

Frontex plays a crucial role in proper training and enforcing high common standards that are the foundation European Integrated Border Management (IBM). This role of the Agency has become even more crucial as it trains the first members of the European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps, Europe’s first uniformed law enforcement service. Frontex’s new and essential role is to ensure that Standing Corps officers are properly trained and have the technical and operational readiness to be deployed and operate in a unitary manner in any operational area generating added value.

At the same time, Frontex continues to support border and coast guards in their preparation for operational deployment at the EU external borders with cost-effective training solutions, a hybrid model of training and learning services offering delivery of training on a large scale as well as tailored to the specific operational and individual needs of border and coast guards before and during deployment.

Preparing the Standing Corps

Frontex provides members of the Standing Corps category 1 (Frontex statutory staff) with the necessary training in border control or returns, including in fundamental rights, through the Operational Training Programme so that they are able to promptly respond to any current and emerging challenges in a professional and interoperable manner.

It also equips all the Standing Corps categories with specialised training tailored to the operational profiles to be deployed and relevant to the tasks and powers in the field. The specialised training is designed to ensure technical and operational readiness of the Standing Corps.

This is implemented through a consistent set of courses aligned with basic and mid-level Common Core Curriculum (CCC) comprising the Operational Training Programme for the European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps category 1 and specialised courses for all the categories of the European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps that address the competences required for a job in the profiles that Standing Corps are deployed to.

These courses give officers the skills and competences necessary to work as one in any operational area, bringing in the European dimension while fully respecting fundamental rights and diversity in all their actions.

Different practical exercises included in the training contribute to creating a common European Border and Coast Guard professional culture among the participants. This, in turn, translates into the ability to overcome cultural challenges, to understand and manage conflicts, and to follow the stages of team development.

Strengthening the European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG) capacities

Specific training courses tailored to provide officers from Member States/ Schengen Associated Countries/Third Countries with the required knowledge and skills, at different levels (from beginners to specialist) and for various areas, considerably increase EBCG capacities on EU external borders. The courses are as varied as the needs of EBCG, starting from the cross-sectional one, English for Border and Coast Guarding, through the ones related to European Integrated Border Management, Schengen evaluations, systems implemented on EU external borders (EES, ETIAS, ABC), ending with specialised issues (cross-border crime, terrorism threats, risk analysis, return operations, falsified documents) and different types of cooperation, with emphasis on fully respecting fundamental rights at all times.

Developing the educational skills

This standard is met through courses designed to ensure operational relevance, standards, and quality of training programmes and courses related to the border and coast guard area. The aim is to set Frontex on the path to expertise in designing high quality, effective and practical training. The courses may also be offered to MS/SAC/TCs experts who contribute to designing border and coast guard courses for both nationwide and internal use.

This is also an opportunity to provide training, certification and continuing professional development to trainers and to help subject matter/operational experts delivering Frontex courses uphold training quality standards in line with Frontex requirements, European policies and good practices in education and training applicable nationally across the EU.