Online discussion groups for the development communityInformation about online platforms for the development community.Awards and prizesThe Lorenzo Natali Media Prize for journalism on development and poverty eradication. Become a humanitarian partnerThe European Commission works with partner organisations to deliver humanitarian assistance worldwide.EventsEuropean Civil Protection ForumEuropean Humanitarian ForumInternational Partnerships - eventsOverview of eventsJobsJob opportunities in humanitarian aid and development cooperation.VolunteerThe Commission offers several volunteering opportunities in humanitarian aid.
Online discussion groups for the development communityInformation about online platforms for the development community.
Awards and prizesThe Lorenzo Natali Media Prize for journalism on development and poverty eradication.
Become a humanitarian partnerThe European Commission works with partner organisations to deliver humanitarian assistance worldwide.
EventsEuropean Civil Protection ForumEuropean Humanitarian ForumInternational Partnerships - eventsOverview of events