2030 targets2030 climate targetsEnergy efficiency targetsRenewable energy targetsEnvironment action programme vision to 2030Zero pollution action planEU biodiversity strategyThe circular economy action planGlobal targets for renewables and energy efficiency2040 targets2040 climate target2050 targetsClimate neutral economy by 2050EU contribution to international goalsClimateConference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological DiversitySustainable Development GoalsEU environment action programme to 2020The 7th environment action programme is guiding European environment policy until 2020.Climate and energy targets 2020EU binding legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy and increase energy efficiency.Energy strategyThe 2020 Energy strategy is a strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy.
2030 targets2030 climate targetsEnergy efficiency targetsRenewable energy targetsEnvironment action programme vision to 2030Zero pollution action planEU biodiversity strategyThe circular economy action planGlobal targets for renewables and energy efficiency
EU contribution to international goalsClimateConference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological DiversitySustainable Development Goals
EU environment action programme to 2020The 7th environment action programme is guiding European environment policy until 2020.
Climate and energy targets 2020EU binding legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions, increase the share of renewable energy and increase energy efficiency.
Energy strategyThe 2020 Energy strategy is a strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy.