Supporting people, strengthening our societies and our social model Overview Europe’s unique social model is based on creating prosperity while ensuring that no one gets left behind. We have achieved a lot, but there is still work to do. The crises of recent years have impacted the living standards of many Europeans. A lack of affordable housing, access to essential services, poverty and inequalities of opportunities threaten to harm the bonds that keep us together.Our societies and economies will continue to evolve. This means we need to focus our efforts on sustaining and improving the quality of life we enjoy today. Over the next five years, the European Commission will work to promote social fairness, strengthen social and regional cohesion, and ensure equal opportunities for all.What Europeans think 88%of citizens consider a social Europe to be important to them personally54%believe there will be a more social Europe by 2030Standard of livingseen as the most important social priority for the EU Objectives Deliver opportunities, stability and wellbeing for everyoneStrengthen our social market modelto ensure a just transition for allTackle inequality, regional disparities and discrimination How we will achieve our objectives Over the next few years, we will work on this byPromoting social fairness in the modern economy To ensure social fairness, we willset out a new action plan on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights to reach our 2030 social headline targetssupport fair wages, good working conditions, training and fair job-to-job transitions through a new Quality Jobs Roadmapstrengthen European social dialogue through a new Pact for European Social Dialogueaddress the root causes of poverty through the first-ever EU Anti-Poverty Strategyprevent and combat social exclusion of children through education, healthcare and essential public services by strengthening the Child Guaranteetackle the housing crisis by putting forward the first-ever European Affordable Housing Plan and creating a pan-European investment platform for affordable and sustainable housingrolling out the Social Climate Fund to support renovations and energy-efficient housingtackle the root causes of demographic changereduce regional disparities so Europeans can live and work in the place they call home Reuniting our societies and supporting young people To increase solidarity among citizens, we willwork on safeguarding the rights of minoritiesstrengthen Erasmus+ to allow more Europeans to gain new skills and develop a better mutual understandingorganise annual Youth Policy Dialogues to ensure young people can use their voice to shape the future of the EUset up a Youth Advisory Board with young people from all Member States to advise the President of the Commission on youth issuesconduct an EU-wide inquiry on the broader impacts of social media on people’s well-beingaddress the addictive design of online servicescreate an action plan against cyberbullyingmake it easier for people to benefit from Europe’s rich and diverse cultural heritage Building a true Union of equality To deliver true equality, we willupdate the strategy for LGBTIQ equality and develop a new anti-racism strategy, so that everyone can thrive and lead, regardless of who they aredevelop a roadmap for women’s rights and a new strategy for gender equality Progress to date Monitor, follow, and stay updated on the progress of new initiatives, proposed laws and legislative changes under this priority January 2024Val Duchesse Social Partners’ SummitThe Commission and its partners commit to strengthening social dialogue to address economic and labour challenges.November 2023Commission establishes an EU network on the prevention of gender-based violence and domestic violence In the spotlight Are we making progress on ending discrimination in the EU?In the EU, discrimination based on any grounds is prohibited by law. Yet for many people this is still a daily reality. To tackle this, the Commission has since 2020 put forward novel initiatives against racism, antisemitism, but also for LGBTIQ people and Roma communities. Progress reports on all four have recently been published.Read more News 18 February 2025Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Mînzatu at the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Stakeholders' conference17 February 2025Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Mînzatu at the Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on AI and the Labour MarketSee more news Related topicsEuropean Pillar of Social RightsEuropean employment strategyEuropean Skills AgendaEquality and inclusionSocial Climate FundRegional policy Who is in chargeRoxana MînzatuExecutive Vice-President for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and PreparednessRaffaele FittoExecutive Vice-President for Cohesion and ReformsHadja LahbibCommissioner for Equality; Preparedness and Crisis ManagementDan JørgensenCommissioner for Energy and HousingMichael McGrathCommissioner for Democracy, Justice, the Rule of Law and Consumer ProtectionGlenn MicallefCommissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport The Commission’s other prioritiesCompetitivenessSecurity and defenceQuality of lifeDemocracy and our valuesA global EuropeEU budget and reform
To ensure social fairness, we willset out a new action plan on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights to reach our 2030 social headline targetssupport fair wages, good working conditions, training and fair job-to-job transitions through a new Quality Jobs Roadmapstrengthen European social dialogue through a new Pact for European Social Dialogueaddress the root causes of poverty through the first-ever EU Anti-Poverty Strategyprevent and combat social exclusion of children through education, healthcare and essential public services by strengthening the Child Guaranteetackle the housing crisis by putting forward the first-ever European Affordable Housing Plan and creating a pan-European investment platform for affordable and sustainable housingrolling out the Social Climate Fund to support renovations and energy-efficient housingtackle the root causes of demographic changereduce regional disparities so Europeans can live and work in the place they call home
To increase solidarity among citizens, we willwork on safeguarding the rights of minoritiesstrengthen Erasmus+ to allow more Europeans to gain new skills and develop a better mutual understandingorganise annual Youth Policy Dialogues to ensure young people can use their voice to shape the future of the EUset up a Youth Advisory Board with young people from all Member States to advise the President of the Commission on youth issuesconduct an EU-wide inquiry on the broader impacts of social media on people’s well-beingaddress the addictive design of online servicescreate an action plan against cyberbullyingmake it easier for people to benefit from Europe’s rich and diverse cultural heritage
To deliver true equality, we willupdate the strategy for LGBTIQ equality and develop a new anti-racism strategy, so that everyone can thrive and lead, regardless of who they aredevelop a roadmap for women’s rights and a new strategy for gender equality
Are we making progress on ending discrimination in the EU?In the EU, discrimination based on any grounds is prohibited by law. Yet for many people this is still a daily reality. To tackle this, the Commission has since 2020 put forward novel initiatives against racism, antisemitism, but also for LGBTIQ people and Roma communities. Progress reports on all four have recently been published.Read more
18 February 2025Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Mînzatu at the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Stakeholders' conference
17 February 2025Opening remarks by Executive Vice-President Mînzatu at the Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on AI and the Labour Market