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Higher education system

Structure of the higher education system, European credit transfer and accumulation system, degrees offered, and organisation of academic year.


Each country has its own individual higher education system, but they are all part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

See how higher education in Europe is structured

Quality and standards

The European credit transfer and accumulation system (ECTS) is a system designed to make it easier for students to move around and it makes national systems more compatible.

European Master's in Translation network (EMT)

The EMT network aims to improve the quality of translator training and enhance labour market integration of young language professionals. 

See how to join the network


The main higher education qualifications offered across Europe are Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and Doctorate/PhD.

See the main higher education qualifications offered across Europe

Academic year

See how the academic year is organised


  • 3 NOVEMBER 2020
The structure of the European education systems 2020/21: Schematic diagrams

  • 21 DECEMBER 2020
The European higher education area in 2020: Bologna Process implementation report

  • 20 OCTOBER 2020
The organisation of the academic year in Europe 2020/21