Page contentsPage contents Over the next five years, the Commission will pursue an ambitious programme, as set out in the Political Guidelines, with forward-looking, innovative policies, maintaining high standards. These new initiatives will build on the foundations of a thriving, diverse and fair European Union, to make Europe an even more desirable place to live, work and invest.At the same time, we will radically lighten the regulatory load for people, businesses and administrations in the EU. To boost prosperity and resilience, the Commission will propose unprecedented simplification to unleash opportunities, innovation and growth.Our success depends on improving the implementation of our rules and joining forces between EU institutions, Member States and stakeholders.The ‘Simpler and Faster Europe’ Communication sets out our new course towards simplifying EU rules to make our economy more competitive and more prosperous. Making Europe simpler and faster by: Reducing unnecessary bureaucracy:With new targets to reduce administrative burdenBy stress-testing EU legislationWith direct outreach to stakeholdersBy prioritising simplification measures in our workImproving how new EU rules are made:With better impact assessmentsWith smarter deliveryBy avoiding the proliferation of delegated and implementing actsImproving how rules are implemented:By providing stronger support to Member StatesBy building administrative capacityBy cooperating closer with stakeholdersWith a swift and resolute enforcement action The way forward: partnership and co-ownershipParliament and the Council to consider fast-tracking simplification proposals, without reopening other parts of the legislation, to provide maximum and swift clarity and relief to companies.The Commission invites co-legislators to put in place the processes and resources to assess significant amendments during the legislative process, and will suggest a simple methodology for this purpose.The Commission as a whole and each Commissioner will be held accountable and present reports and simplification work to the responsible Parliament Committees and Council configurations.A change in regulatory and corporate culture for the Commission: focusing on achieving economic, social and environmental goals through more effective implementation and more cost-effective rules. Documents General publications11 February 2025A simpler and faster Europe: Communication on implementation and simplification 11 FEBRUARY 2025Simpler and Faster Europe - Communication (reader friendly publication) 11 FEBRUARY 2025Factsheet on Implementation and Simplification Related links Press release on the 2025 Commission work programmeCommission work programmeThe Competitiveness CompassBetter RegulationImplementing EU lawREFIT
General publications11 February 2025A simpler and faster Europe: Communication on implementation and simplification