What the Commission is doing The European Security Strategy and the Internal Security Strategy direct efforts to make Europe more secure by fighting terrorism and serious crime, and strengthening cooperation on law enforcement, border management, civil protection and disaster management. Objectives prevent and fight terrorism, including the phenomenon of foreign fighters combat international organised crime more effectively by deepening cross-border police cooperation enhance the competiveness of Europe's security industry for security strengthen and coordinate control of the EU's external borders See what other EU institutions are doing on borders and security Key initiativesEuropolThe European Union’s law enforcement agencyEuropean Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)FrontexAgency for management of cooperation at the EU's external bordersEuropean Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)European Agency for large-scale IT systems (eu-LISA) Related informationLawPoliciesFunding and grantsResearch and innovationConsultations TopicsMigration and asylum DepartmentsMigration and Home Affairs