EUR-Lex developments: March 2016
Improvements and new features:
- Advanced search
- new collapse/expand function
- clearer display for the procedure heading and enhanced results via the document reference heading in EU case-law advanced search
- more document types when searching preparatory acts collection :
- CoR opinions
- EESC opinions
- positions of the Council (together with their statements of reasons)
- more results when searching by name of court in the JURE advanced search form
- Result list
- collapse/expand each facet group
- CELEX number moved from title to metadata (below the title) – better readability
- registered users can now export more documents
- Document view
- permalink option added to the ‘bookmark this item’ function
- better info on HTML document availability
- better alignment in multilingual display mode
- multilingual display available for summaries of case law and of JURE decisions
- search terms highlighted in the main body of the text , not just the title
- European Legislation Identifier (ELI)
- ELI identifiers have been attributed to:
- regulations
- directives
- decisions
- consolidated legislation
- You can find them on the notice page for each document, under ‘Title and Reference’ . You can also change the ELI URI to carry out certain types of searches.
- The ELI register pages explain what the ELI is and how it has been implemented at EU and national level, and provide technical info .
- Legislative procedures
- better display of European Parliament documents and metadata
- improved design of initial document reference in search results
- National implementing measures
- improved labelling and display , especially for notices with more than one CELEX number, plus information on different deadlines for which the measures have been notified.
- Other improvements
- improved PDF file of complete help pages
- navigation menu added to ‘latest developments’ pages
Contact us if you have any feedback or questions about these changes.