Ad hoc Group on Equality

The Ad hoc Group on Equality (AHGE, “Equality Group”) was formally established in 2020 to promote a cross-cutting culture of equality within the EESC, including all aspects of this principle, particularly gender equality. 

The AHGE safeguards and advances equality through a wide range of activities:

  • drawing up proposals for action and making recommendations to the EESC Bureau in support of equality,
  • annually reviewing the outcome of measures aimed at the promotion of equality and non-discrimination implemented by the Committee,
  • ensuring that the principles of equality, including gender equality and non-discrimination are observed and complied with during the appointment of various offices, such as that of the president, vice-president and EESC Bureau members, as well as rapporteurs, co-rapporteurs and study group members within the groups,
  • publishing data on activities enhancing equality,
  • ensuring the gender mainstreaming of policies in the Committee,
  • organising thematic meetings with distinguished speakers to discuss issues of inequality and exchange best practices to foster fairness, equality and transparency.

The Equality Group consists of twelve members, with each of the three groups appointing four members to represent it. Since the latest midterm renewal, the group is chaired by Sif Holst (group III), and the two vice presidents are Maria Nikolopoulou (group II) and Dolores Sammut Bonnici (group I).

The group operates in an open and inclusive fashion, with an intersectional approach to equality. The AHGE submits a report to the Committee Bureau at the end of each term of office, which sets out the group's activities and proposals, and takes stock of the progress made within the EESC regarding compliance with the principle of equality.

The secretariat supporting the work of the Ad hoc Group on Equality is directorate A, Registry and Legislative Planning unit, bureau and ad hoc groups sector. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Sif Hoslt, Ioannis Vardakastannis