DataM contains modelling data and estimates about the economics of agriculture and of the sustainable resources, resulting from scientific activities performed by the European Commission (in most cases by the Joint Research Centre - JRC) and partners.
These contents are provided in the form of dashboards or raw datasets.
DataM is not a site of official statistical data.
Data of this portal consists mainly in models’ outcomes and estimates. These can be outlooks about future scenarios as well as calculations concerning the past to overcome the lack of official statistical data.
An important note about "future" data: although models can be used to project individual values of particular variables, it must be stressed that they are not forecasting models and users should be aware that the particular values projected for, say, 2030 may be unreliable as to what will happen in that year.
However, the simulated impact of, say, a particular policy change in 2030, relative to the projection for 2030 of the 'no change' situation, is more likely to be reliable since the influences of any imperfections in the model and of unforeseen exogenous shocks may be cancelled out across the two scenarios being compared, leaving a deviation between the two that has a lower component of error.
The general recommendation for future data is therefore to look to differences between different scenarios rather than to the absolute value as such.
For each DataM content in the home page, through the "info" icon, it is possible to access the links to the scientific publication(s) related to the dataset. It is recommended to refer to such publication to know more about the methodology adopted to develop the data and about all caveats.
Finally, DataM datasets might be subject to corrections, improvements and issues of new versions. Whoever downloads data from DataM should consider subscribing to the newsletter from the home page of the site in order to be readily updated about any data change.
DataM contents are, in principle, publicly available; the mission of the site is the public dissemination of agro-economic research data.
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For each content in the DataM home page, through the "info" icon, it is possible to access the information about how to cite the data artefact.
Please note that such "Data citation text" refers to the use of the data exposed in DataM and is not exactly the same of the citation text of the scientific publication(s) related to the DataM content.
Links to such publications are also available through the "info" icon. The rules for citing specific publications or studies are normally in the inside front cover of the publications' PDF.
Example of data citation text:
DG for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission; Joint Research Centre, European Commission (2018): EU estimated agricultural balance sheets. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:
For example "EU estimated agricultural balance sheets" contains data produced by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, and by the Joint Research Centre.
Why to cite?
Citing is not only good practice, but is also a necessity, because:
- It gives value to your work by mentioning recognised sources
- It recognises the efforts of data authors and of the providers of the EC DataM portal
- It allows your readers to trace your sources
- It helps avoid plagiarism
The views expressed in DataM may not under any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
The views expressed in DataM may not under any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
The designations employed and the presentation of materials in DataM do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Commission concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Where the designation "country" or "area" appears on this website, it covers countries, territories or areas.
Due to technical constraints, maps and other geographical representations used in this website might not take into account the evolution of boundaries during the period encompassed by the data. Also for technical reasons, in some cases a pragmatic approach is used to track a boundary in situations of boundary disputes or boundary changes: this is done without supporting any opinion in this regard. The webmaster might be contacted at [email protected], should any anomaly of this type be encountered
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