Copyright notice and free re-use of data
General principles
- The copyright for the editorial content of this website, which is owned by the EU, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
This means that you can re-use the content provided you acknowledge the source and indicate any changes you have made. You may be required to clear additional rights if certain content depicts identifiable private individuals or includes third-party works. - Reuse of statistical data, metadata, publications, and other dissemination tools published on this website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of the European Commission is implemented by the Decision of 12 December 2011.
- These general principles can be subject to conditions which may be specified in individual copyright notices. Therefore, users are advised to refer to the copyright information on the individual documents.
- Exceptions to these general principles are listed below.
- The permission granted above does not extend to any material whose copyright is identified as belonging to a third-party, such as photos or illustrations from copyright holders other than the European Union. In these circumstances, authorisation must be obtained from the relevant copyright holder(s).
- Logos and trademarks are excluded from the above mentioned general permission, except if they are redistributed as an integral part of a Eurostat publication and if the publication is redistributed unchanged.
- When reuse involves translations of publications or modifications to the data or text, this must be stated clearly to the end user of the information. A disclaimer regarding the non-responsibility of Eurostat shall be included.
- When reuse involves translations of publications, the following copyright information and disclaimer shall be added:
First published in English (or other language) as ‘Title of the publication’
by Eurostat on the European Union's official website 'Europa'
© European Union, year
Translator: XXXXXXxxx (Language of the translation) translation: © copyrightholder (translator), year of the translation
The translation is the sole responsibility of the author or authors of the translation. In the event of any discrepancy between the original work and the translation, only the text of original work shall be considered valid. - The following Eurostat data and documents may not be reused for commercial purposes, but non-commercial reuse is possible without restriction:
- Data identified as belonging to sources other than Eurostat. All data published on Eurostat's website can be regarded as belonging to Eurostat for the purpose of their reuse, with the exceptions stated below, or if it is explicitly stated otherwise.
Publications or documents where the copyright belongs partly or fully to other organisations, for example concerning co-publications between Eurostat and other publishers.
- Data for countries other than:
- Member States of the European Union (EU)
- Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
- official EU acceding and candidate countries.
Examples are data for the United States of America, Japan or China. In such cases, the user will need to eliminate these data from the tables before reusing them commercially.
- Trade data originating from Liechtenstein and Switzerland (as declaring countries), from 1995 onwards, and concerning the following commodity classifications: HS, SITC, BEC, NSTR and national commodity classifications. Thus it is, for example, not allowed to sell export/import data declared by Switzerland (concerning the above named commodity classifications). However, it is allowed to sell Swiss export / import data declared by an EU Member State (but see below a similar exception for Austria).
- Trade data originating from Austria (as a declaring country) for a level of detail of the Combined Nomenclature of 8 digits; again, it is not allowed to sell export/import declared by Austria (concerning the above named commodity classifications), but it is allowed to sell Austrian export / import data declared by another EU Member State.
How to re-use Eurostat material for commercial purposes
There is no special procedure or requirement for a written licence. Just download the material and use it, unless the material is listed in the exceptions above.
How to cite Eurostat products
Parts indicated in squared brackets [ ] should be replaced by the relevant information by the user.
Source: [digital object identifier (DOI) number of the Eurostat dataset], [access date]
In the dataset, you can use the functionality to copy the DOI URL, which is located below the dataset title.
Customised versions of a dataset must be cited as following:
Source: [Eurostat dataset datacode link], [access date]
The Data Browser provides an online help on how to copy the title together with the datacode link of the dataset.
European Commission, Eurostat, [Title of the publication], Publication Office of the European Union, [year], [link, for example:]
You can find the DOI number on the publication products page under the section 'Additional information'.
Other products
Source: Eurostat, [Title of the product], [link to the product], [access date].
This concerns for example interactive tools, data visualisations, webpages, Statistics Explained articles, PDF documents.
Legal notice of the European Commission
The basis for the copyright and licence policy of Eurostat is the legal notice of the European Commission 'Europa website', which can be found in the footer of every webpage of the Eurostat website.
Political context
This approach implements the policy of the European Statistical System (ESS), adopted in February 2013, under which the ESS has committed itself to provide its statistics free of charge as a public good of high quality, irrespective of subsequent commercial or non-commercial use.
For all other copyright issues, please contact the copyright unit of the Publications Office of the European Union.