Use quotation marks to search for an "exact phrase". Append an asterisk (*) to a search term to find variations of it (transp*, 32019R*). Use a question mark (?) instead of a single character in your search term to find variations of it (ca?e finds case, cane, care).
You can stay informed about new publications on EUR-Lex related to documents and procedures by creating email alerts.
When signed in, you can create alerts to follow specific documents.
Go to the document page.
Click Create an email alert in the left menu.
Enter the name of the email alert (compulsory) and a comment (optional).
You can select the types of related document for which you would like to receive a notification:
modifications to this document
subsequent preparatory acts changing the document
case-law affecting the document
consolidated versions
related documents.
Click Save to create the email alert.
For each alert created, a saved search is added to ‘My saved searches’.
You can add new alerts, up to a maximum 100 (the limit for saved searches in the system).
When signed in, you can create an email alert to follow a specific procedure.
Go to the page for the procedure you want to follow.
Click Create an email alert in the left menu.
Enter the name of the email alert (compulsory) and a comment (optional).
Click Save to create the email alert.
For each created alert, a saved search is added to ‘My saved searches’.
You can add new alerts, up to a maximum 100 (the limit for saved searches in the system).
When signed in, go to the user drop-down menu and click My email alerts.
For each email alert, you will see the following information:
the name of the email alert (the same as its related saved search)
a link called View search to see the search parameters
the last update
An edit icon. Click it to change the name of the email alert, the optional comment and the types of related document for which
you would like to receive a notification.
A checkbox. Tick it and click 'Delete selected' if you wish to remove your email alert at any time.
documents mentioning this document
documents based on this document.
Click the name of the email alert to go to the original document or procedure.