Results list
Your search will result in one or several pages listing documents or procedures.
The number of results is indicated at the top of the page.
EUR-Lex uses a system to make popular and important documents more visible. These are highlighted in a blue frame on top of
the results list (with a maximum of 10 highlighted items displayed).
By default, each result consists of the following:
For documents:
- a clickable title that directs you to the related document page in the language of the search
- publication reference (e.g. OJ L 130, 25/05/1994, p.43-63) with the available languages
- if relevant, the status of the document (e.g. ‘in force’)
- an identifier (CELEX number, e.g. 31994D0295)
- author
- document date
- if relevant, a link to the current consolidated version
- clickable icons that direct you to the pdf or html version of the document.
For procedures:
- a clickable title that directs you to the related procedure page on EUR-Lex in the language of the search
- reference of the initiating act (e.g. COM (2013) 531)
- initiating document (usually a CELEX number with link, e.g. 52013PC0531)
- adopted acts – if any (usually a CELEX number with link)
- procedure status (e.g. ‘ongoing’).
You can use the results page to:
- refine your search query (filter) by keyword, collection, year of document, author, etc.
- edit your search
- change the information displayed about the document or procedures (‘Customise shown information’)
- change the sort order of the list using the drop-down menus
- export all or a selection of the search results. This will render selected information in several formats (PDF, XML, Excel,
TSC, CSV). The export file size is limited to 5 MB for non-registered users.
as registered users :
- save the criteria of your searches (‘Save to my searches’)
- create alert notifications (‘Create in My alerts (RSS feeds)’)
- save and organise documents in folders (‘Save to My items’)
Find more help to:
Refine your query
Edit your search
Customise the results list
Export results