Áreas de trabalho


The mission of ECLAC in the area of social development consists in promoting integral human development with a rights-based approach in Latin America and the Caribbean; conducting and disseminating analyses of the social situation in the region on particular issues and with respect to specific groups of the population; analysing the impacts, levels of investment and management of social policies and programmes implemented by the governments in the region, at their various levels; disseminating details of successful or innovative experiences to inform decision-making in countries; advising governments in the region on issues of social development; and helping train the professionals and technicians of the relevant public bodies.


The ECLAC mission in the area of sustainable development and human settlements is to contribute to evaluation of progress in public policies, instruments and institutions, with a view to promoting more inclusive economic activity with a smaller environmental footprint in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Accordingly, ECLAC addresses the three dimensions of sustainable development simultaneously. In sum, the ECLAC’s efforts are aimed at translating the sustainable development vision of Latin America and the Caribbean into operative public policies.


The mission of ECLAC includes three cross-cutting dimensions —gender affairs, planning for development and statistics— that permeate all its areas of intellectual endeavour. The first, gender affairs, concerns active efforts to mainstream gender in Latin American and Caribbean regional development. In the area of planning for development, ECLAC supports the improvement of public administration and national and subnational economic and social planning processes in the countries of the region. With regard to statistics, the Commission aims to foster the generation and use of timely, relevant and internationally comparable statistical information, for the formulation, follow-up and evaluation of economic, social and environmental development policies in the region.