Page contentsPage contents Role of special advisersSpecial advisers are selected based on their expertise and qualifications. There are two types: Non-institutional special advisers provide direct assistance to the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Commissioners of the European Commission.Institutional special advisers assist institutional bodies of the Commission.General information on aspects of remuneration/days of workSpecial Advisers work on a short-term basis for a very limited number of days per year (on average around 25) and these days may be remunerated or not. The amount of the fees per day of service is in principle set at three separate levels: 1/22 of the basic salary of an official on the first step in grade AD9, AD10 or AD12.Appointing special advisersEach special adviser must sign a document declaring that there is no conflict of interest between their duties as adviser to the European Commission and their other activities. 19 JUNE 2017Rules for special advisers C(2014) 541Other languages (2)Deutsch(79.97 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(81.24 KB - PDF)Download 20 JUNE 2017Rules for special advisers (C(2007) 6655)Other languages (2)Deutsch(445.73 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(385.41 KB - PDF)Download 26 FEBRUARY 2024Special Advisers - Privacy Statement List of designated Special Advisers: Past 1 APRIL 2024Special Advisers to the President and Commissioners of the European Commission - Exercice 2024 - 1/4/2024-until end of College VDLI 1 APRIL 2023Special Advisers to the President and Commissioners of the European Commission - Exercice 2023 1 APRIL 2022Special Advisers to the President and Commissioners of the European Commission - Exercice 2022 19 NOVEMBER 2021Special Advisers to the President and Commissioners of the European Commission - Exercice 2021 5 MARCH 2021Special Advisers to the President and Commissioners of the European Commission - Exercice 2020 (1/04/2020-31/03/2021 - unless otherwise stated) : Curriculum vitae and Declaration of honour 5 DECEMBER 2019Special Advisers to the President and Commissioners of the European Commission 2019 : Curriculum vitae and Declaration of honour List of designated Special Advisers: Current 1 DECEMBER 2024Special Advisers- exercice-2024-situation-01-12-2024 Exercice 2024 - 1/04/2024 - situation on 1/12/2014(unless otherwise stated)Special Advisers TypeCabinetNamePurpose of appointmentContract Start DateContract End DateNon Institutional17. AlburquerqueMr David O'SULLIVANSpecial Envoy for EU Sanctions (ESE)06-02-202305-02-2025Non Institutional21. SerafinMr Jean-Claude JUNCKERFormer President of the European Commission05/12/2019 for 5 years1/12/2024 -renewed for 5 years;Institutional21. SerafinMs Maria Isabel ROFES i PUJOLPrésidente de L'Instance visée à l'Article 143 du Règlement (UE, Euratom) N° 2018/104617-11-202316-11-2025Institutional21. SerafinMr Igors LUDBORŽSVice-Président de L'Instance visée à l'Article 143 du Règlement (UE, Euratom) N° 2018/104617-11-202316-11-2025Institutional21. SerafinMr Jean FOSSIONExternal Member of the Audit Progress Committee01-04-202431-03-2025Institutional21. SerafinMr Jean-Pierre GARITTEExternal Member of the Audit Progress Committee01-04-202431-03-2025Institutional21. SerafinMr Ray PORTELLIExternal Member of the Audit Progress Committee01-04-202431-03-2025Institutional21. SerafinMs Julia LAFFRANQUEFulfilling the role of Controller of procedural guarantees in the context of investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office in accordance with the provisions set out in Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013, as amended13-09-202212-09-2026Institutional21. SerafinMs Françoise LE BAILChairman of the Disciplinary Board of the Commission01-04-202431-03-2025