IMAGE is a web-based-tool used for the production of Choropleth maps. It is intended to enable users to quickly make professional, statistical maps for publication that adhere to Eurostat's style guide. It contains a limited number of pre-defined templates covering map extents of the EU/EFTA/candidate countries as well as a global template. Further customisations can be achieved via the SVG output if desired.
For support for the tool, please consult the help file which includes an instructional video and training exercise. No support to users outside the European institutions can be provided. Issues should be reported via Eurostat's user support.
The Statistical Atlas is an interactive map viewer for statistical and topographical maps. Users can combine geographical layers of information from various ‘base maps’, such as the borders of NUTS regions or Urban Audit cities, with statistical maps. The available statistical maps are based on:
- several years of the printed version of Eurostat regional yearbooks
- the LUCAS dataset on the Land use/Land cover survey
- the Census 2011 and 2021 surveys visualising data on population and housing censuses.
Various functions are available to users viewing the details of the map display:
- zooming in and out on Europe and its outermost regions
- changing the transparency settings of the map layers
- retrieving the code, geographical label and statistical value of a specific NUTS region or Urban audit city.
Gridviz is a JavaScript library for visualising gridded data (or any tabular dataset with x/y positions) in the browser using a large variety of advanced cartographic styles.
Eurostat-map.js is a JavaScript library for quickly creating and customising web maps based on NUTS regions, showing Eurostat data retrieved directly from the Eurostat database.
Regl-map-animation is a JavaScript library for animating x/y point data using webGL and categorising them into a bar chart.
The NUTS Dorling cartogram is a JavaScript library for generating Dorling cartograms from NUTS regions with Eurostat statistics.
The Address API (European register of addresses) aims to provide a RESTful API which allows developers to carry out both geocoding and reverse geocoding using a pan-European address database from authoritative data sources.
The ID service is a RESTful API which returns attributes and, optionally, geometry for different datasets at specified longitude and latitude coordinates.