Information on data
Available statistics
To assess the employment of migrants the following indicators are used:
- activity rate
- unemployment rate, youth unemployment rate, long-term unemployment
- employment rate, youth employment rate
- self-employment
- temporary employment
- part-time employment
- over-qualification rate
Data sources:
- EU labour force survey (LFS), available at national and regional level by NUTS level 2 and degree of urbanization
- LFS ad-hoc modules carried in 2008, 2014, 2021 for statistics on descendants of foreign-born persons
To assess the education of migrants the following indicators are used:
- highest educational attainment
- share of 30-34-year-olds with tertiary educational attainment
- share of early leavers from education and training
- young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET)
- participation in lifelong learning
Data source is the EU labour force survey (LFS).
To assess the social inclusion of migrants the following indicators are used:
- median net income
- people at risk of poverty or social exclusion
- at-risk-of-poverty rate
- child poverty
- in-work poverty risk
- persistent poverty risk
- severe material deprivation rate
- people living in households with very low work intensity
Data source is the EU statistics on income and living conditions (SILC) survey.
To assess the housing situation of migrants the following indicators are used:
- property ownership
- housing cost overburden
- overcrowding
Data source is the EU statistics on income and living conditions (SILC) survey.
The health situation of migrants is assessed via the self-perceived health status, together with a range of additional indicators that allow for a better evaluation of the situation. The following indicators are used:
- self-reported unmet needs for medical examination
- self-reported unmet needs for dental examination
- people having a long-standing illness or health problem
- self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problem
- current depressive symptoms
- severity of bodily pain
- persons reporting a chronic disease
- body mass index (BMI)
- performing health-enhancing physical activity
- daily consumption of fruit and vegetables
- frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption
- smoking of tobacco products
- frequency of alcohol consumption
- overall perceived social support
Data sources:
- EU statistics on income and living conditions (SILC)
- European health interview survey (EHIS)
To assess the social inclusion of migrants the following two Zaragoza indicators are used:
- naturalisation rate
- share of long-term residence
Data sources are two main datasets on the acquisition and loss of citizenship and residence permits. From 2008, both datasets are based on EU regulation 862/2007.
Data sources
Eurostat's statistics on migrant integration come from the following data collections:
- EU labour force survey (EU-LFS) and its ad-hoc modules on migrants (2021, 2014, 2008)
- EU statistics on income and living conditions survey (EU-SILC)
- European health interview survey (EHIS)
- Acquisition of citizenship statistics
- Residence permits statistics
Data releases and revision policy
The release calendars and the revision policies specific to each data collection used for migrant integration statistics are described in the metadata files under points 8 and 17: