Information on data
Available statistics
The tables presented in the ‘Children in migration’ folder in the database include migrant children statistics disseminated in the asylum and managed migration statistics domains.
Temporary protection statistics on children, which are also available for unaccompanied minors, are available on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. They provide information on:
- decisions granting temporary protection
- beneficiaries of temporary protection
Asylum statistics on children, which are also available for unaccompanied minors, are available on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. They provide information on:
- asylum applicants, first-time asylum applicants and subsequent asylum applicants by age, sex, and citizenship
- persons subject to applications pending at the end of reference period by age, sex, and citizenship
- applications for asylum withdrawn by type of withdrawal, age, sex, and citizenship
- asylum applicants having had their applications processed under the accelerated procedure, by age, sex, and citizenship
- first instance decisions on applications by age, sex, and citizenship
- final decisions on applications by age, sex, and citizenship
- decisions withdrawing status granted at first instance by type of status withdrawn, age, sex, and citizenship
- decisions withdrawing status granted as final decisions by type of status withdrawn, status of minor, and citizenship
- resettled persons by age, sex, and citizenship
Residence permits statistics on children are provided annually. They provide information on:
- first permits by reason, age, sex, and citizenship
- all valid residence permits at the end of the reference year by age, sex, and citizenship
- long-term residence permits at the end of the reference year by age, sex, and citizenship
- long-term residence permits issued during the year by age, sex, and citizenship
- change of immigration status permits by age, sex, and citizenship
Enforcement of immigration legislation statistics on children are provided on an annual or quarterly basis. They provide information on:
- third country nationals found to be illegally present
- third country nationals ordered to leave
- third-country unaccompanied minors ordered to leave, by citizenship, age, and sex
- third country nationals returned following an order to leave
- third-country unaccompanied minors returned following an order to leave, by type of return, citizenship, country of destination, age, and sex
Data sources
Data are based on administrative sources and are supplied to Eurostat by statistical authorities, interior ministries or related immigration agencies in the EU countries.
The legal basis of data collection is the EU regulation 862/2007. For further details, please consult the page on legislation. The amendment of this regulation in June 2020 introduced additional new statistics or breakdowns and increased the frequency of the collection of some data, for example, by unaccompanied minors.
Data releases and revision policy
Each data collection which is used as a source for migrant children statistics has its own release calendars and revision policy. Information can be found in the metadata files under points 8 and 17: